Yeah, he was the Time Man of the Year. Not much of a history buff, but I know about that. Big achievement!!
Yeah, he was the Time Man of the Year. Not much of a history buff, but I know about that. Big achievement!!
This is spot on. The race-to-the-bottom RINO hunt began in 2008 when the Democrats cleaned house. Its obviously not his fault, but I sincerely believe Obama’s skin color accelerated this “rebranding” of the Republican party in courting to the parties lowest common denominator, which they managed to do without actually…
Um... I’m aware of that, as I am myself Catholic. The scarequotes on “Christians” were intentional, and weren’t a dig at the people who actually try to live as Christ would have us. It was a reference to the people who CALL themselves Christian while ignoring the most important bits of the faith.
Catholicism is the religious equivalent of Pokemon, they can all blow me.
I’m fine with it. Christians have been in control of the country for awhile now and have run it into the ground. Time to give demons a chance.
God yes, seriously, this isn’t “locker room talk”. If anything it’s “12 year old morons on internet forums talk”.
Maybe you need to hang out in nicer locker rooms.
She’s the type of crazy that would look down at the cross and freak out that she sees it upside down.
I’ve been in plenty of locker rooms. Implying that you enjoy sexually assualting women with impunity is not and has never been a normal topic of conversation.
I am honestly shocked that, during the debate, when Cooper said “I’ve never heard that kind of talk in locker rooms”, Trump did not come back with “Well cause you went to the gay (or other word) gyms, where the locker rooms are for sex”.
That’s not true and you know it.
No, this is what the Republican political calculus beginning with desegregation and the Southern Strategy hath wrought. They’ve just become more and more politically empowered since W. specifically courted the morons and Christian wing-nuts; and then brought in actual feckless idiots to run the government. But W. left…
Wait, that hasn’t been going on for decades?
Especially now that the fairness doctrine is defunct. Might as well pivot back to reality and stop giving these people a soapbox.
I’m tired of my Facebook feed getting cluttered with false equivalency. “Both candidates are bad, can we get a do over? Lol!”
I can’t believe she left out the Clintons’ affinity for performing satanic ritualistic slaying of missing white kids in the basement of the Lincoln Memorial.
My thoughts exactly. Its clear that the hamster on the wheel inside her head died years ago.
the use of ‘crazy’ in the headline seems redundant
We don’t need to hear from both sides if one side is batshit crazy and their stance is indefensible. This is how Republicans are winning and manipulating the system. This is done for the sake of “good television,” and Trump supports get to go on the air and shout out talking points and memes to reinforce the “I hate…
That woman is so obviously a Trump supporter. I can just look at her face and know “Yeah that woman is a fucking moron.”