
If you think that is “blatant racism” you clearly have no point of reference for racism.

In no way is this “gross” or “dumb shit”. She is exactly right.

I do not believe 9/11 is analogous to WW2 and I don’t think what she said here is analogous to something Islamaphobic.

It’s not being stupid, this woman has a career of standing up for women and political minorities as an attorney for the ACLU(she could have made bank for any private firm) at the Court of Appeals and on SCOTUS. It’s disconcerting that social media warriors, most of whom have contributed jack and **** to this issue,

She’s not wrong on this point. It is similar to flag burning: a legitimate, legal act of protest that some people may take objection to (like most acts of protest).

Seriously. She’s disagreeing with them while upholding and defending their right to express their opinion.

Nearly my reaction verbatim.

“But this is a great reminder that performative online love of any powerful person will ultimately reflect poorly upon you.”

Like...Colin Kaepernick? Sorry one of the foremost advocates of civil rights over the last 50 years triggered you by disagreeing with a specific form of protest (while emphasizing that it remains

I hear stuff like this and I wonder: really? Has he really “reignited” or advanced the discussion? Is there quantifiable proof? The advancement I’m seeing here is the race to see who can have the most original or creative National Anthem “protest.”

That, or some people can put aside political beliefs when establishing friendships, either staying away from that boundary or knowing what buttons not to push. Obama and Tom Coburn, for example.

Before you jump all over RBG. Just remember how hard it is to get your own grandparents just to stop saying, “Orientals.”

I don’t want to live in a world where a Surpreme Court justice retires and has an opinion that Barry disagrees with.

“good on race and justice”

“I disagree with them but it’s their right to do it.”

You either agree with EVERYTHING Colin Kaepernick says and does or you’re a Nazi.

Yeah, she probably could have disagreed without being so dismissive, but so could the writer of this article.

This is the least bad “bad opinion” I’ve heard on this.

Eh, I know I probably shouldn’t but I tend to give people who lived through WW2 a little bit of leeway on being stupid about this sort of thing.

More like GINSBURN, amirite?!?!?

eh, come on, she’s essentially just arguing that he could make his argument in a more persuasive manner that won’t immediately alienate and put people off, which could ultimately do him some good in making his points.