
Again, this ignores the fundamental problem with Greenpeace’s heavily manipulated numbers, in that they cannot prove that the money is tied back to the energy industry as opposed to any other trade or industry. It’s pretending that being a registered lobbyist for that industry is tantamount to only working for that

This is silly. You just read the top line of an intro paragraph, and conveniently ignored the thing Sanders got fact-checked hard on, which is that you only get to $4.5 million by including lobbying firms that do a variety of work, and ignore whether their donations actually relate to energy or telecommunications or

Hey look, another serving of the broadly defined and discredited Greenpeace numbers on fossil fuel donations that the Sanders campaign tried to ride to victory.

I know we're not supposed to drone strike our own citizens, but I think we could make an exception here.

The most galling part is that Detroit and its school system have been under the control of emergency managers, who report to the state’s Republican governor, since 2013.

I like to think Andy Breitbart leaving this earth was less a death and more like a product recall.

Yes, they are best suited for wealthy dilettantes. It’s all I can manage to remember to do laundry. I try not to make bad choices, but I simply don’t have the spare time or energy to fetishize what I eat.

If he wasn’t going to school in New York State (which has a lower limit), the amount of time until he’s able to rent a car is longer than the total amount of time he’s been alive.

Vermont is lousy with these people. I was in a perpetual state of wondering why everyone's lifestyle was so lavish when the job market was tiny and dominated by low-wage service sector jobs. Family money was the missing piece of the puzzle.

Every person I know like this has parents who are richer than God. Who has time for a job when there are organic co-ops that need haunting?

But it’s not like you’ve stopped purchasing other foods, right? A 200% increase in fruit spending would not be hard for me, because I spend almost nothing on fruit now.

Even in the greys here there’s at least one person trotting out the whole “hurr but if you can choose to be transgender why can’t you choose your race” nonsense all over again.

Not only did she lie about being black, she chose to construct an identity that she viewed as blacker than the actual black people she interacted with, to the point of lecturing them for being insufficiently black.

Well apparently it’s a sequel rather than a remake, but I generally think the 1995 movie did as best as it could with weak source material. It was charming at moments and had good production design. I don't have high hopes for an updated take on it.

Also, was Jumanji a movie that was particularly crying out to be remade?

It is absolutely all relative (your own link makes clear just how much has already been deaccessioned from American museums), which is why collapsing the entire conversation down into a variation of “Americans do it too” doesn’t really say anything meaningful about European reluctance to return objects.

That and all the original copies of the firman granting Lord Elgin defined export rights are now lost.

There are real national and institutional differences in cultural heritage repatriation. The Met has been far more willing to engage with source countries and return objects acquired on iffy grounds than, say, the British Museum.

I’m sure she’s had that alert set ever since she tied in a PPP poll with Harambe.

His favorite book is still Maurice Sendak’s lesser-known work, Where the Real Racists Are.