
Gross. That dress looks like it's made of fondant.

And thank god we’re lucky enough to have this vacuous Fox drone and her eagerness to keep women more accomplished than herself in check. Remember not to get too big for your britches, ladies!

Little-known fact: the Iran deal was negotiated entirely at a secret “all-girl spa.”

The difference is that gay men frequently are a persecuted class of people (not necessarily more so than others, to avoid the oppression olympics), so despite the perhaps salient point of your particular favorite funny sketch, it’s dangerous to draw an immediate comparison between these fucks and gay men. It feeds

She’s a set designer who someone forced to write dialogue, too. By far the most memorable parts of her movies are the houses and their furnishings. Ephron’s movies placed importance on design and a sense of place, too, but it wasn’t the central focus: she wanted to give a character context through their surroundings,

Apparently she got super pissed that people were much more interested in the kitchen in Something’s Gotta Give than in the rest of the movie, but that’s kinda what you get for making your movies upper-middle-class wish fulfillment dioramas.

For fuck’s sake, there are countless articles out there about the heartless response to migrants in the UK, in Calais, in Australia, and so on. It’s at the top of the fucking New York Times today. But god forbid someone mentions your one favorite racialized nation, because suddenly you and your ilk start screaming

Yep. The goal is to keep her in prison forever.

It's a political job in a presidential administration. It will end when Obama leaves office, even if a Democrat is elected.

I mean, the ACA is pretty awful, as it enshrines a private insurance system and pretends it’s an enormous leap forward. This is compounded by the fact that when it was being designed, Obama took every opportunity he had to undermine advocates for a single-payer system. The pre-existing conditions and under-25 coverage

The buildings don’t make the people. I live here, too, and the lack of constant regeneration of our housing stock isn’t why our city has long felt culturally stagnant. The real reason is because native Philadelphians have long been an extremely immobile population, living their lives in the same neighborhoods they

They repositioned an esoteric product by marketing it as whisky (which people mentally conflated with whiskey). Suddenly, people who hated the taste of whiskey tasted it and thought, “hey, I do like whiskey!” It was all rather brilliant.

Jack has this awful sickly sweetness that I can't deal with. It's like drinking the Coca-Cola concentrated syrup that gets hooked up to a soda fountain.

I know a professional wine collection appraiser, and this is what he does. Apparently being able to rotate the foil is also a good indicator of whether a bottle is still good; if wine has seeped through the cork and solidified under the foil, the foil won’t move easily.

Too true. I can’t help feeling that she was conned in her dotage into publishing this, the whole thing feels icky. But viewing it as a continuation or prequel of TKAM, despite the mixed-up chronology, is fundamentally wrong. Prequel implies that the earlier storyline was written after the baseline if TKAM, and that

This. I think the most interesting thing by far is that this manuscript was written first, and was the larva that became the TKAM butterfly. It’s fascinating as a study of Lee and her development as a writer.

If you’ve been “forced” to consign all your treasures into one hidden room, when they clearly mean so much to you, isn't it at least a little bit your responsibility for agreeing to date (much less move in with) someone who shares none of your interests? Do you think blaming your girlfriend for the loss of The Best

This is true. West Elm may be more than IKEA, but it’s the bottom rung of the Williams-Sonoma luxury home goods empire. That shit isn’t made to last. Their Pottery Barn furniture will hold up much better, and it's only one or two price brackets higher.

I bought the Casper like six months ago because my existing mattress was killing my back. It's been fantastic. Their marketing is fucking stupid twee tech-evangelism, but the product is great. It's also priced very competitively with mediocre midrange spring mattresses.