
My issue is that both Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s are not grocery stores. They’re prepared- and frozen-food emporiums disguised as grocery stores. Every time I cook even basic recipes, WF doesn’t have all the ingredients, and Trader Joe’s is even worse in this regard.

And he didn’t even do that job well. The hurricane victims hate him even more than the democrats do. He used their shattered homes and communities for photo ops and promptly forgot the part about helping them rebuild.

If you haven’t already, you really should read the series in the Times and the subsequent coverage of the state’s response. Long story short, the task force handling this will not inquire about complainants’ immigration status, and the new posters in nail salons make it clear that these workers rights apply regardless

Lol this asinine argument every time. Why are you wearing clothes, godamber? Surely there was a better use for your meager earnings?

Trans-racial is a real term, but in the context of adoption. It’s specific terminology. The way it’s been used in the past few days here (the idea that anyone can wear any ethnicity they find neat) is something that’s only really supported by a handful of dimwits on Tumblr. Plus all the Breitbart trolls that have been

One problem is the way the term “trans-racial” has been used on Gawker (by Breitbart trolls and consequently by a handful of well-meaning yet utterly guileless regular commenters) to further really blatant transphobic abuse. The term “trans-racial” currently has a specific and widely-used definition in international

These came with our place. Toto, rather nice. Every time I use them, I get confused by the weird segmented xerox-machine button and just push the bigger one (because maybe the smaller button means ‘cancel’?). They may have misjudged the amount of brain power Americans use when pissing.

I mean, someone has to teach them all the lyrics to Jagged Little Pill, right?

So wait, you're just following him around Gawker to try to remind him that you don't like him?

You guys get so ragey when another man breaks ranks.

The polling was very bad on the UK election, but it also sounds like the result was heavily influenced by late campaign strategies (Cameron screaming about a hypothetical Labour-SNP coalition), strategic voting, and shy Tory syndrome. I wonder if these kinds of parliamentary factors will really play much of a role in

Here’s my problem with the zero-sum media analysis. All those minutes covering Jenner? They would have gone to essentially anything else before covering trans issues. They weren't using him to fill their allotment of TransTime. The fact that he's a pre-existing media personality is the only reason why this got the

Apparently the Venn diagram of MRAs obsessed with fake rape accusations and Gamergaturds still mad at Biddle is a single coterminous circle.

You do realize that every other fucking person here is paying the wage tax, no? And I’m sorry, but that’s the price you pay for having access to a major labor market. You’re welcome to get another job in an office park in KOP. Your tax rate doesn’t entitle you to a sanitized city that you’re not a resident of. And you

I'm not unsympathetic to what you have to see on a daily basis, but I see it too, and in all honestly I'd rather we serve the needs of our residents (even the homeless ones) than cater to the sensitivities of suburbanites. I really don't think it's your place to criticize our local efforts to humanely address

Look, I would respond to your post only once, but you’ve been prolific on this thread. Regarding your point here, do you also believe every food truck and hole-in-the-wall hoagie joint should have restrooms? Would you be fine if those places operated as is, but the homeless feeders couldn’t operate without those

The issues you describe would exist in Logan Circle regardless (to the extent they actually exist; I've seen plenty of people reusing 1980s homeless scourge stereotypes). I live five blocks away, and did before the church missions. Even all the gaudy new rentals on Callowhill and the impending hotel conversion of the

I’m inclined to interpret this the other way around. She’s been under a microscope since the late seventies. I don’t know how much more old dirt can really be found, and I don’t know that trying to get a new generation to care about Whitewater is going to be a winning strategy for the Republicans.

It would be quite clever as a business model if it weren’t so destructive.

AA is a brand, and it had a monopoly on the subject for a long time. I don’t doubt that it works for some people, and for several people I know they no longer drink (these were people who would have had no chance at moderation) and yet have also extricated themselves from the AA hivemind. But it’s damaged so many