
No. It’s a backronym.

Looks like it deflected off his forearm first. Probably didn’t take much speed off the ball but re-angled it so it wasn’t a dead-on hit.

A pint of urine weighs about one pound. I never weigh in until after my shower where I can pee out every last drop in my bladder.

Bob Uecker describing the furry convention going on at his hotel.

I couldn’t bring myself to kill anyone; I’d much rather go farther back in time to before they were assholes and find something else to divert their attention and future life from what they would become.

Netflix only has the seasons that were delivered to PBS with “Bake Off” scrubbed away and replaced with “Baking Show”.

Okay, I give up... How do I turn off the unwanted infinite scrolling when viewing a single article?

Confession: I didn’t know that women played quarters instead of halves either.

An English sexual position.

If you’re into anime, try out “Gunslinger Girl”.

Arsenal does 10-2 play poorly when facing bigger teams.

His name certainly helps his case.

+1 torn ACL

It’s all that necking.

I don’t know how I’ve never snapped a PS controller in two by trying to push the tips of the handles together. There must be some built-in reinforcement.

“scoring a goal with another guy’s stick”

And then what? What do you close the hole with?
