
I would totally watch a “What’s Barack and Michelle doing today?” reality show.

Yeah, Fark had the best headline with that theme: “Atlanta Falcons win popular vote”

Who is the BBC One announcer? He sounds like an American unlike the Radio Five announcers.

Yes, this is the one.

Of course, if I came home to find that my wife prepared a dinner that I was planning on cooking myself, I’d have to go several months before I could attempt to make it again, just so in case mine turned out better, it wouldn’t be perceived as one-upping hers.

And there’s a good point. The Oscar committee doesn’t just look for potential films to add to nomination lists; someone has to actually submit a film/performance/technical achievement for consideration for nomination. If nobody submitted Your Name, then it had zero chance of being nominated.

So, are we great again yet?

She’s looking for 76 trombones to lead the big parade.

I wonder how many of these were TVs that they were planning on replacing anyway and are staging this for net fame?

Or, they want to use her likeness in order to reshoot scenes in Episode VIII that have already been filmed so she can be written out of Episode IX.

Thank you for trying to contact ESPN and do a Mike check.

Apparently with this news, it may be more than liberals melting down.

Perfect for your Le Petit Prince themed park.

Harry Potter “sex scene”?

I got an oval-shaped cast iron fajita skillet for a gift which I never used for anything, and it ended up in my garage just to get it out of the way. My wife constantly tried to get me to throw it out, but I could never bring myself to do that.

My issue wasn’t the $9.99 which I would have paid. It was the fact that they did an end-around on Family Sharing by making the $9.99 an in-app purchase. So instead of paying $9.99 for the game and my kids could download and play on their iPods, my choice was either $9.99 for me, another $9.99 for child 1, another

I was waiting for “He hit him so hard, he’s now in the concussion protocol”. Left disappointed.