This isn’t even the scariest Golden Eagle on this site.
This isn’t even the scariest Golden Eagle on this site.
You guys are all CRaZy.
Skip to this one; it’s not like there’s a story or a learning curve you need the play the first one to figure out. The driving is more arcadey than FM, but more realistic than NFS. It’s actually about the perfect balance, IMO.
Are they windstarss or freestars?
That was quite an expedition, but I admire your level of focus with the fusion of topics here. This comment was a poetic fiesta, crafted by a literary explorer. I just can’t escape the greatness, even if escorted.
Remake of Harry Potter.
Oh, OK! Then now I know that I proudly always was a “cis”, since I never had even the slightest idea of saying goodbye to my peter and nuts.
Honestly there’s quite a few changes from FH3. Of course the core gameplay remains largely the same because why mess with a great formula? But even then theres entirely new suspension modeling which even from just watching gameplay videos looks like a nice improvement. Much more vertical movement especially on softer…
From what I understand, the physics between Forza Motorsport and Horizon are a bit different to suit the game play of Horizon. Turn 10 hands the car data over to Playground to futz with, so it isn’t a direct port. Even between Horizon 3 and 4 there have been quite a few changes, with twice as many tire choices and…
You’re a buffoon.
White men are inherently privileged in western culture.
It is not racist to acknowledge this fact.
Sincerely, a white guy
A good pun is its own reword.
Since Marcello Gandini designed both, let’s call them Gandini doors. Just sounds better.
That is amazing.
The most surprising thing is that Chrysler is still around in 2032.
I think the configuring tool is broken. When it calculates the price, it keeps adding in liability coverage for $1,000,000.
Audi resisted closed cockpit as long as practical in sports car because they gauged the losses from aero and buffeting were lower than ALL the other driver safety issues that arise with closed cockpit. Think about it
Im no racing expert, but I think I can answer some of your questions. First, enclosing them with a plastic of sorts, I believe, has been shown to create a lot of vision distortion because of the curvature. The halo works because it is largely out of the drivers line of sight by being in the middle, where drivers…
Lack of complete enclosure: Ease of emergency egress.