Is it weird that I feel the need to finish both I Am Setsuna and Lost Sphear before playing this? Even though they’re three totally separate games.
Is it weird that I feel the need to finish both I Am Setsuna and Lost Sphear before playing this? Even though they’re three totally separate games.
The problem is that he’s really only been in one lightsaber duel, and he was injured. The movie made every attempt to show that.
It’s not that Trump wants people to discriminate, necessarily. He really doesn’t care about that (other than being able to do so himself). All he cares about his appealing to his base, and a LOT of them will discriminate quite a bit and get up in arms when they feel like they’re being told to be “politically…
Oh good lord. This sums up my Switch experience perfectly. I am 100% with you on this, Josh.
Shouldn’t the hero be able to just, I don’t know, kill any of those animals or people that he’s letting the slime devour? If it’s providing XP for the slime to grow, it should do the same for him.
Yeah. These are gorgeous, but I have no idea what games nearly all of them are from. I, too, was holding out for a Chrono Trigger map.
I just can’t get past the fact that people like Liz Chaney and Chuck Todd are getting up in arms over the use of the term “concentration camps” and not the fact that we are still locking people up in cages like animals.
Yeah. 11am is early?
I am both tempted and terrified to search YouTube for “pimple pooping”.
What people on all sides need to realize is that when you put early graphics and video clips out there, you’re inviting criticism. Some of it is constructive, some of it is negative without any explanation. But all of it is useful information, because people are either going to have those reactions now or when you…
Doesn’t your entire article operate under the assumption that backer-provided feedback (“teh graphics sux!” etc.) is all they went on? Isn’t it entirely possible that they did internal (or external but not publicly addressed) testing and many of THOSE responses addressed the graphical blandness (which I agree the…
True story: I first noticed it while my kids were watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I didn’t read about it, but I just imagined it was quite the trick they had to pull the first time he was animated in 3D. I’d love to read interviews with 2- and 3-D animators on this subject.
Ah, the Mickey Mouse ears effect - same idea when they show Mickey Mouse, you ALWAYS see both ears flat, no matter what angle. They actually move around on his head when he turns it, even in 3D iterations, which looks slightly alarming when you notice it, but for the most part isn’t noticeable (but I’ve always…
“You get Avengers: Endgame.”
I... don’t know how to feel right now. I’m equal parts angry that this exists and very much intrigued to see it.
Jim Carrey was still great in that role. It might not have been great as a Riddler interpretation, but he, at least, was still great.
“The world’s a better place for everyone.”
I mean, I don’t disagree about Chrono Trigger, but with those numbers of votes (the top one only got 230 votes?)...
It’s... a joke. The popular thing online right now is people that don’t watch Game of Thrones, because of all the people that DO watch it and keep posting about it, post about how they DON’T watch it, like not watching it is a badge of honor or something.