
Also... obligatory:

The best part of this article:

Let me guess... you don’t watch Game of Thrones either, do you?

Honestly, I think a big focus should be on building the characters’ stats and abilities -- once you can unlock secondary jobs, you get a fair amount of additional options.  Do that while you also play through chapters and you should be fine.  You really just need to understand going in that they’re, for the most part,

That was my favorite of the bunch, too. There needs to be a robot with that name in a game.

I finally got to watch this episode, and I know I’m a few months behind, but I have to say...

Antonio Brown Is Kind Of A Dick

Knowing NBC, not totally out of the question.

Heh. I hadn’t considered, but I appreciate the idea of it coming to a Nintendo system 22 years late, considering it originally WAS planned for Nintendo’s “next-gen” system.

Not to mention how many of us don’t even realize that a big tax refund is literally just an interest-free loan to the government. The ideal situation is to break even... don’t overpay, don’t underpay. Want a tax refund that badly? Take an additional 10% or so of what you paid in taxes, set it in a savings account for

Sure, they don’t get paid for the room they didn’t clean. But they didn’t sit there doing nothing for 10-20 minutes... they moved onto another room. It’s not exactly all these lost wages that the article makes it out to be.

Honestly, I think this is one of the best and most important articles published on this site in a while. It's hard to let go when you feel obligated to play... but they're games. They should be fun. If they aren't fun, don't play. Our time is more valuable than that. Go play an older game that's still a lot of fun or

What if... one has bought Destiny 2 a while back and hasn’t actually played it yet? :) Would it be recommended to do these?

Kartnite. :(

So it’s buried in a link that shows no indication (in its title or your link text) that it would have the definition, and is also multiple paragraphs in. And when someone brings it up, you simply include the link instead of, “Oh yeah, I should make that more obvious. Sorry about that!”

First shot of Will Smith as the Genie...

I don’t do speedruns, I don’t have the time it takes to practice enough to get good enough to do them (ironic that it takes a lot of time to be able to do speedruns).

It’s just apples and oranges, really. It takes a lot of skill to pull off those glitches, and that results in the fastest time, and that’s what some people want to see. Others, like you, would rather see a pure speedrun that obeys all the rules and plays the game as it was intended, just as fast as possible.

I HATE those mobile menus that just see how much crap they can cram onto one screen. I also hate the way it seems like every mobile game has to have these super complex systems for leveling up your character involving like three different types of cash/resources. I realize it’s all tied into the microtransactions

I’m glad you brought that up. I don’t really play Fortnite, but my first thought was, “How do they keep everyone from killing each other?”