
Welp, that’s it. Shut down the internet. Its usefulness no longer outweighs its risk of being used for the wrong reasons.

Okay, 100% honest question here. I order lattes and such from Starbucks all the time, so no problems there, and I also try to order telling them the size and type of drink first, then details like “nonfat, extra hot” etc.

Ugh. Man. The Switch is not good for my wallet. Or my precious little free time, for that matter.

Dang it.  I want this on Switch; don’t really feel like busting out the ol’ 3DS.  Might have to though.

You speak for yourself, sir. Red Skull was one of my favorite Marvel villains, and his appearance in Infinity War was my favorite surprise of the entire movie, despite not being Hugo Weaving. I hope - hope - that they use him again somehow in Endgame.

1 burn = 1 star

I’m guessing the issue there is moreso that what you call “balanced” is what they call “too easy”, and the original is the way it was intended to be played, the way they consider “balanced”.  It’s pretty subjective, really, but as greedy as some developers can be, I don’t think this is a matter of them making it

I do like the way GOG periodically gives you the option of adding certain games to your library on there if you own them on Steam.  If I were Epic, I’d be courting publishers to do that with as many of their games as they can, because by allowing people’s libraries to be available on Epic’s platform, that’s less and

Honest to God, if someone was printing custom manuals for Switch games that fit into the cases that felt (and, more importantly, smelled) like official manuals, I would buy some yesterday.

Can’t wait to get this for my PS1.

Don’t apologize; your son’s pun game is on point.

That’s Hugh Jackman on the importance of getting an education.

Here’s the thing: What we call glitches are really just unintended rules. The computer has no idea if the developers meant for Sonic to go through a wall; it discovered that it could, so that became an option. We “know” that’s cheating because we play the game with previous knowledge that you can’t run through walls

I really do.  FFIV, VI, even VIII, definitely IX all had pretty memorable locations for me.  I found FFX a little less so, though some do stand out in that one (but I find that I’ve forgotten a good bit about that game, having just played through it once a while back.  I’ve got the HD remasters, I should spend time

I do like that idea. The next question would be could I actually convince my wife to play? :)

Man, I really miss playing CCG’s. I used to play MtG a ton back in high school, but I could see myself getting into this.

It’s, uh, free. :)

Soo... in an article about him playing “zonular” for 100 points, we get a picture of the board from a different round that doesn’t have said word?

I clicked on the review, intending to spend about 30 seconds skimming it to get a general sense of “should I play this or not?”

Holy crap. Logic.