
We desperately need a 2018 version of Seinfeld.

And that’s it. If you aren’t interested in side quests, then you’ve got that option.

Or just do it like Xenoblade Chronicles 2, offer a season pass or the equivalent for a moderate price like $30, then gradually roll things out over time, such as additional characters, boosters and even an entire expansion. I feel like I more than got my money’s worth from that game and the season pass, and it was

I get your point, but my issue with this is that she created it. Sure, she put it out there for millions of fans who have a special connection to it (in many cases, likely stronger than hers!), but it still came from her head. It’s always up for interpretation, but I’d be pretty upset if I made something and then

Can we also just point out the fact that this debate was sponsored by the LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS? Probably the absolute worst place he could have done this.

1) I would hardly call what he did “shouting”.

That screenshot alone is enough to make me never want to touch this game, microtransactions aside.  Yuck.

You really don’t want reminded.

The embedded video didn’t show the title, so that makes sense.

I stand by my comment. ;)

I can’t bring myself to listen to that enough to get the joke.

You would be charged with assault. She has the legal right to film you, whereas you do not have the legal right to “rip [the phone] from their hands” or, y’know, whatever else you plan to unceremoniously do with it.

Ex-ACTLY this.

I at least got the impression that the article was speaking in a positive manner about the ports coming to Switch. It isn’t to say the Switch doesn’t have great originals, but it IS a powerhouse for ports, and I say bring it on. It’s the first time I really get to play some of these, and the portability is sometimes

Welp. I’m ready to go buy this game now. And I haven’t played much of the DQ games at all... I did play Dragon Warrior to completion back in the day, very little of DQVIII... and that’s it.

We’ve listed out some of the most popular upcoming titles below...

We’ve listed out some of the most popular upcoming titles below...

What bothers me the most about this whole thing is how anticlimactic the destruction of the platform was. It just kind of... disappeared, they fell, the end.

“Both hit the deck.”

I am a man, I’ll have you know! And I...