A key part of the Dark Souls experience was battling performance issues.
A key part of the Dark Souls experience was battling performance issues.
Also worth mentioning for OneDrive: As an Office 365 member, you can share your account with another household member, then they get their own set of installs for Office AND their own 1tb of space. That’s pretty killer.
If nothing else, the fact that this show was on TV has led to this meme becoming popular now, and that alone has justified its existence.
Wow. You’re not wrong... VERY close to ES.
There’s definitely a heavy similarity. Orchestration and tempo is very close, the first few notes are the same, with a few ascending pitches before this one changes it... any of the individually might not have made it sound quite so much, but to make matters worse, it’s even in the same key as DQ. It seems like a…
I love Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and I love it more the more I play it.
I was going to leave a comment about why you shouldn’t give a hoot about what other players think of you, but you expressed that sentiment better than I would have. So... well-said, sir.
Not going to lie; I giggled while reading this entire article.
I actually thought you were going with a real theory there, and you were going to say that the soul stone was in Tony’s original arc reactor.
What you did there... I see it.
As soon as I read “I didn’t love the first Xenoblade Chronicles”, I did look elsewhere. Stopped reading at that point.
Music teacher here with a master’s in Wind Conducting, and semi-professional composer (in the sense that I’ve had a piece published and have been commissioned several times to write original works... not well-known or necessarily even good, but at least a little experience in the field). I was going to chime in and…
You said exactly what I came here to say. The world needs to be identifiable enough that we don’t need (or hopefully want) a mini-map. The best compromise, if something is needed, is a map that you can check, but not travel with while it’s open. Kind of like real life, where walking while staring at a map (while…
It might not milk much money out of anyone, but they think that it will; otherwise, it wouldn’t be there. Plus, even if one doesn’t take advantage of the microtransactions, one might wonder if they’re missing out from a fuller experience if they don’t buy them. I realize you just said that, more or less, no you don’t,…
Loot chests are enough for me to not want to play the game. I know others will feel differently, but I hate loot chests. I hate having all these resources you get and having to spend them on countless upgrades, or “lives” or what have you. I hate earning “packs” of cards that contain characters or moves. I hate these…
I think the most likely culprit is just what he said: The fact that it ALMOST rhymes with Herbert, so people just go with that. Not that Herbert is a terribly common name, but well-known enough.
Magnets, man.
It’s what she described, though the only part that I would clarify at all is when it’s done under the presumption (intentional or not) that the woman wouldn’t understand something because she’s a girl.