
Name of game, why selected, a picture, link to purchase, put separate games in separate posts, and vote by starring other comments?  Not sure I see the issue with those rules.

Name of game, why selected, a picture, link to purchase, put separate games in separate posts, and vote by starring

Good point. I wonder if it’ll lead to even more tension between him and Booker, especially with the latter being full-on “Team Michael”.

Oh yeah. They’re definitely going to have to address this in season 4, and I think they fully plan to.

Go watch the Stamets scenes again and look at his face.  He’s definitely not okay with Burnham yet.

This exactly. Complaining about Nintendo’s legal issues shows a lack of comprehension of copyright laws. These challenges are brought by their lawyers, who essentially HAVE to issue these takedowns, because if they don’t, their lack of defense of their IPs can create precedence which can cause them major issues later.

“I’m driving right now, I’ll call you in a month!” is still one of my favorite lines.

“Hey guys, check out this obnoxiously-gigantic house we bought with money we made from YOU guys watching our videos! Be sure to buy our overpriced merchandise we’re going to keep reminding you about (only three days!) so you can help us make even more money! As you can tell, we really don’t have enough yet.”

“They’re ripping off Elder Scrolls!”

I’m being particular, I know, but...

Some people will say, “Oh, everything’s offensive now, we can’t say anything”. This makes the assumption that words like “savage” have always been fine and it’s just recently people are looking for ways to be offended.

So it’s basically survival of the fittest. The styles that are popular and make money survive, the ones that don’t fade into history.


I don’t feel like this script isn’t better than Rise of Skywalker’s at all. I actually quite liked TRoS, but I think people went into it with certain expectations, and this movie is much more in-line with those expectations, so right now, people are reacting with, “Yes! This is the movie I wanted to see!” not

I feel like a reason is given because you genuinely want the other person to understanding your line of thinking for doing something or, if not a decision you made, then what caused a thing to happen (such as the reason for being late).

Wow, a surprising amount of pushback to this article.

This sounds great and totally ready to release and not at all incomplete and I’m sure it will totally be worth the $10 a month to have the chance to pay full price for games.

The events they do and the lore they seem to be introducing are really interesting.

Most of the complaints can be applied to most TV show premieres. They almost always rush in the first episode or two because they have too much backstory and setting to try and squeeze into the beginning of the show. A lot of other shows that have made the same moves have turned out to be much stronger once they’ve

Pennsylvanian and loyal Sheetz fan here.  You’ll never see me setting foot in those soulless trash receptacles they call Wawa.