
Because I'm still totally going to buy this.

Great. There goes more of my money on something I've bought like 4 times already.

It’s well-done (not intentionally a grilling joke, but sure) for a fan video, but the special effects weren't THAT realistic. I made it through fine, and I don't go for those super-gorey movies.

Hmm, what’s that? A smoldering pile of wreckage, bodies, fire and steel? That looks awful... but I’m really late for work. I think I can fit through there...

It’s Gordon Freeman without hair or a goatee.

Er, couldn't they just... hire a non-Japanese actor?

To your credit, though, making new characters in CoH was half the fun.

I wish they’d all openly acknowledge and embrace the fact that these live demos are often alpha or pre-alpha builds. “Hey guys, FYI, there’s a good chance that this is gonna crash or mess up. On the other hand, you get to see what this game really could look like - no fake mock-up’s - and this is the progress we’ve

We also use the names for days of the week that come from Norse mythology. Tuesday translates to Tyr’s Day (spelling could be off) which is their equivalent of Mars or Ares, Thursday is Thor’s Day (Jupiter), etc. Doesn’t mean we worship them. One can (and almost all of us do) use terms that have their root in religion

Let’s all keep in mind that there's another game company out there that does pretty well making cute, family-friendly games that turn out to be a heck of a lot of fun. I'm willing to give this a chance.

That’s only an accurate statement if you feel that the game felt incomplete or didn’t have sufficient content when released. I think that’d be a stretch to say about Smash Bros. This is how they justify continuing to work and develop a game after it’s released. If it was free, it becomes hard to justify those work


Are we actually surprised a computer was able to use an ability at the exact right moment? They’ve been doing that for generations of video games. Developers have been working hard for years to get them to not do that all the time.

In Sony’s defense, he didn’t specify PS4 in his question. :)

So my wife and I were watching Conan O’Brien, and he did his Clueless Gamer sketch (which I love) on The Witcher 3. It showed one of the sex scenes which had to be censored, and my wife looks over at me and says, “You are never getting that game.”

Now playing

Nothing will ever top the greatest boss theme ever written (from the original Xenoblade Chronicles, obviously):

Am I the only one who thinks MCU Hawkeye is awesome? :/

I understand TotalBiscuit’s point and respect what he says he’s trying to do, but in the interest of objectivity, he could easily have opened his review with a disclaimer. “While I’ll try to be as objective as I can, I feel that I need to disclose this which happened between myself and one of the developers.” At that

Nintendo could break this superstition pretty easily... make it so that hitting B causes the Pokeball to shatter. Those reflexes would go away very quickly. :)