
Here's why this doesn't excite me: Yes, people are saying that Final Fantasy is about change and evolution and such, and I don't disagree with that, but at its core, even games with major battle system shifts like Final Fantasy XII and XIII still retained the basic feel of the "turn-based" battles from way back in

Ice-T sounded like he was trying to read a grad school dissertation when name dropping.

The fact that she's STILL getting these threats is evidence that the problem still exists, and it's still pretty bad. She shouldn't have to "develop thicker skin" and ignore the comments. She should be able to speak out about what she feels is an injustice, and people have a right to disagree with her, but not in

It's obvious from the start of the video that the truck was gaining on the vehicle in the right lane, so he most likely merged to the left early enough to give plenty of space. A big semi like that isn't going to want to wait until he's almost on another vehicle's bumper to merge into the left lane (especially as

I just don't have space for stuff like this anymore. I buy all my books and music digitally and am getting more and more games that way. PC games, pretty much exclusively on Steam or GOG. I bought a few 3DS games digitally for the first time recently.

Redoing the combat in ME1 would certainly be a huge undertaking, so I understand their reluctance to do that. It'd involve not just recoding but also rebalancing AI's, level design and pace, etc.

Deaths are more effective when they're unexpected. To really make it count, first you need to build up trust... these characters are safe. They'll always be around. Think about it: that's how we really think in the real world. We don't think about the fact that friends and family will die one day, many before us.

I second Ditchdigger - I haven't played it myself, but Quest for Infamy is basically a spiritual sequel to the Quest for Glory games.

At least the original creators of Space Quest are making a new game in the same style (without the copyrighted material, of course)!

HOJUX is right... if he admitted that they had sex, and that he was sorry "if she read it wrong" or if he thought she consented but didn't, that's a totally different story.

THIS. They really don't get much more epic than Secret of Mana's boss theme.

It's like he is punching Batman, but he also isn't punching Batman.

I have a Wii U but not an Xbox One or PS4, and don't plan on getting either one, but upon reading this it occurred to me that I don't "Like" the Wii U on Facebook.

Metroid was definitely the first thing that came to mind. I'd love to see a 2D one come to the 3DS (I am aware of the irony in that statement), but one more like Prime for the Wii U. Lots of great potential for the gamepad.

Yep. File this under games that hit too close to home. I have an 11-month old daughter, my first one, and when you have your own kid, you truly understand the utter and complete horror that something like this would be. I have no desire whatsoever to even imagine this. Pass.

I do think that first impressions and longer-term impressions are both valid and good to know. Some games have great first impressions, but get boring over time... some are the opposite, and once in a while you get a game that impresses early on and keeps that pace throughout.

10/10. Would cliff again.

Nose is too large compared to Anna's, as well. Can't pick and choose your freaky disproportionate anime features!

You kidding? There's no Shia LaBeouf.