
I only got this far, but I’m not saving this comment for the end because it’s almost time for work.

the movie actually just isn’t very good

Saw this in a crowded Philly theater on opening weekend. To this day, it’s one of the two best theatrical experiences I ever had, because not only was it a fun and joyous movie that loved and embraced the popcorn fun, but I have never gotten swept up with a more infectiously enthusiastic and exuberant crowd.

I spent 16 years in the American public education system and it took a family friend practically forcing me to read “A People’s History of the United States” before I really got a perspective on America that wasn’t 100% Star Spangled Awesome. I can only assume things have gotten worse since then.

Christ I saw that Guardian thumbnail and reflexively wiped spittle off my glasses. 

That’s twice in less than a week that the entire staff of Deadspin quit. 

Born there. Can confirm. Also lived in Florida. Hard toss-up.

Why aren’t we more outraged at such a waste of tax dollars trying to impeach Trump?

The last time I visited my hometown, I went into a chicken restaurant and saw one of the guys who still works at that factory. He has to be in his 60s now. His daughter is actually my age and she was trying to tell her dad that I was a tell-it-like-it-is writer who speaks truth to power but her dad interrupted

Considering all the shit that’s been going on at G/O media, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of the writers and commenters who have made this one of the best sites on the internet.

Happiness is a warm dismiss button.

There’s a lot of that about this week. Keep yourself safe!

You used Voltron as a verb. I like you.

So the military-industrial complex will suffer at the expense of me getting really good health-care? Sign me the fuck up!

Wow. I think I may have just become a Warren supporter. I like this!

Like, remedies to get rid of herbs? Because we definitely need some of that around here.

LOL! That image is faker than a three dollar bill. I’ve seen better ‘shops done by my son who is 12 years old.

I prefer this version