Good lord.... Did you guys plan that? Have you been sitting in a conference room putting together a plan for the perfect comedic alley-oop, tirelessly trawling the internet for the exact right moment?
Good lord.... Did you guys plan that? Have you been sitting in a conference room putting together a plan for the perfect comedic alley-oop, tirelessly trawling the internet for the exact right moment?
Cheer up. You probably always make the short list.
I never get picked for anything.......
During this administration?
I will point out that, as much as I’d like to wipe these people off the face of the political spectrum and see their ilk forever relegated to la-Z-Boys in front of a flickering test pattern that is the sole remanant of Faux News... them or someone like them will always be around waiting for the right environment to…
People should be equally outraged that ALL of their producers are white.
Has Gus Bradley never seen the Steelers play the Patriots? Running zone against Brady is a gift-wrapped package to him. I just find myself laughing at all those people who thought the Chargers were going to win this. I know it’s early but this game is already a joke.
Going to disagree. Avenger is a masterpiece. It’s personally the Marvel movie I have watched the most and it’s perfect.
That’s nobody’s business but the Turks, man.
“When during the campaign, I would say ‘Mexico is going to pay for it,’ obviously, I never said this”
“He thinks maybe they could just ask their father for more money. But they can’t”
The best thing about AOC is that she shows another kind of politician is possible. For decades we have been told that we only have a choice between your average evil republican and your run of the mill spineless democrat. After a lifetime eating thin gruel, we look over to the other table and see they have steak. Why…
The bad guy was the friends we made along way.
That header image still shows more detail and tonal depth than at least a quarter of the food pics I see on Instagram.
How about we stop saying “triggered” to mean “pissed off”, because to those of us with PTSD, “triggered” has an actual, specific meaning, and every time someone uses it that way, they’re diluting the gravity of that word, and poisoning the conversation around mental illness in this country by making it harder for…
I find it delightfully ironic that President Zod is erroneously upset about a call against a team whose best player is named Khalil.
That is some level 99 nerd cred there. Not only quoting Spock, but quoting Spock from Undiscovered Country. Epic. Especially since that quote may have been the only redeeming element of that movie... ;)
I thought the Wall was the friends we made along the way.
The Real Wall Was In Our Hearts.