
Sooo...natural disasters including volcanos, earthquakes, tsunami, and hurricanes, plus new ways to manipulate terrain? Sign me up!

Another fantastic article. This series is truly special, Michael.


Believe it or not, some lessons were learned here in Florida since 2000 (yes, I’m admitting I live there). There are no more chads at least!

Or, one could say the Mariners also had a raw deal. Two things can be true.

It means they had to play approximately 36 games against teams that ended up winning at least 100 games this season, and that they did have an easier path to the playoffs by being in a weak division. So nope, pretty relevant.

Whoops, wishful thinking on my part.

Whoops, wishful thinking on my part.

I don’t have a lot of hope that Gillum will close the gap, but he clearly has a future in politics. I think Rubio is up for reelect in two years... 

That is a distinction that I missed, and I apologize. I hope this doesn’t ruin our friendship. :-p

<-Also from Florida. We've been the nation's laughingstock for a long time, since at least the 2000 election debacle. This is our big chance to regain a bit of dignity. Or lose what little we have left, should the unthinkable happen and DeRacist wins. :-/

This hat goes off to you, sir.

<-Floridian here too. Nelson's fine. He's got one more term in him, then maybe in six years we can vote Gillum for Senator. ;-)

I’m going to call it now, for the record: the end of the season will involve them dying again, and Micahel and Janet trying to intercept them before they get to the Bad Place, as Micahel suggests in desperation in this episode.

The Good Place premiered in September of 2016. Assume the deaths of the four main characters occurred around that time. Thus, Michael’s plan to send them back to Earth and create a new timeline is the cause of anything weird and forked up since then.

Or, and maybe I’m going out on a limb here, maybe in this case they’re not? It gives an actual penalty (other than lack of home-field advantage) for being a wild card as opposed to winning the division. I speak as a Cubs and Braves fan, both of whom have had this format blow up on them in recent years.

It invokes the adage “it’s better to let ten guilty people go free than to convict one innocent person” and uses that to argue for his confirmation. It’s obviously a false equivalency; I do believe (as I’m sure any rational person would) that a confirmation to the USSC requires a higher standard of scrutiny than a

(It’s ok, I thought the exact same thing when I read the review.) ;-)

I verily see what you did there. :-p

I honestly think that he’s shouting “Bortles!” in his head in that pic. :-p