Regretfully, I am not Australian. What is the “I” in “LGBTI”?
Regretfully, I am not Australian. What is the “I” in “LGBTI”?
Alternately, just play them all and enjoy it. I know I did I my wedding.
Actually, Ulamog and Chandra would have rotated out with the latest set, Amonkhet, but before that it was legal. And they knew Marvel was a problem months ago and chose to ban Emrakul instead.
Yes. You can use the name trick once each, but after that there’s a trick to get them to evolve. Basically, have an Eevee as your buddy for at least ten kilometers, then evolve it in the day for Espeon and at night for Umbreon. Source:…
Extra innings, but close.
Monopoly is perfect for the legacy treatment.
I want a Lambtron!
I can’t star this enough. Death sentences cost the taxpayers significantly more than life sentences due to the necessarily more rigorous appeals process.
Came here for this. Was not disappointed.
BCO memes all make good band names. But I look forward to IK’s hit single “SOOOOOUUUUPP!!”.
Yes! Bacon as a verb for president!
Florida dodges another one! Go team!!
* You’re not allowed to get mad about this sentence, Texas. I mean, I like you (I actually do! Seriously! You have great food!), but come the fuck on, if there was going to be an “angry people discharging firearms into inanimate objects” story, it was going to be either you or Florida, and believe me, Florida’s…
I bet he thought he was being so thoughtful asking you about the material. Sometimes you can’t win for trying... :-p
* The fact that I got to type the words “control burrito” make me happier than I can express.
He claimed that he was from Florida(Editor’s Note: Well, there’s the least surprising statement ever.)
Actually my girlfriend, an artist, has used her iPad as a drawing tablet for some time and a good stylus is absolutely essential. She has used the Wacom stylus but is currently using the Jot Touch Pro stylus because of its pressure sensitivity.
OneNote is on iOS. I use it on my iPhone all the time. Only problem I've had is when I added photos to a note on my iPhone it caused the note not to sync to my desktop.