Krombopulous Michael

I mean, polygraphs are still regularly used to screen candidates for intelligence agencies and sensitive military roles. Some federal employees have to submit to them on a regular basis to “prove” their ongoing loyalty to the United States. They may be bullshit, but they’re far from something that exists only in

It’s easy to dress well as a guy. Just be like me, and spend 80% of your income at J Crew and Banana Republic because you have a problem and oh god please help.

I guess it depends on where you are. In my state, I understand that they do tend to be licensed to prescribe—but then again, having never been able to actually get an appointment with one, I don’t have personal experience with the matter. 

Psychologists are typically actual medical doctors as well, and in most states they can prescribe medications in the same way that a psychiatrist does. The difference is that a psychiatrist specializes in mental health medication selection and management, while a psychologist can do therapy and diagnosis of complex

That, yes... and I’m sure he’ll target the Fed, which will have to raise interest rates a few times between now and then. He’s already laying the groundwork for it by not-so-subtly pressuring them to not raise the rates at all. He’s not actually wrong that if they do so, it will contribute to the development of the

Yeah, I’m trying not to get too worked up about it. I know the economic fundamentals are still good enough that we probably aren’t looking at another recession for at least a year or two. Before the real shit hits the fan, I’ll try to get everything into bonds. But it pisses me off to know that what should be smooth

Not even that, really. I’ve got money in S&P 500 and international ETFs, and they’ve collectively lost hundreds of dollars in value over the last week—with the proximate cause being jitters over Trump’s trade bullshit. So thanks for nothing, Donald, you clueless fuck!

Is... is that a GoldenEye 007 character driving that thing?

Exactly! FiveThirtyEight gave Clinton a 65% chance of winning on the day before the election. What that means in statistical terms is that if the election were run 100 times, Clinton would have won 65 of them and Trump would have won 35. 35% is greater than 1 in 3! Of course he had a pretty good chance of winning with

John Kelly is now associated with the most pathetically run administration, probably ever, but at the very least since guys like Taft & Grant.

See: the term “soy boys”. 

But they do get access to payphones. The man may not really be a billionaire, but surely he could afford to pay someone to transcribe his angry jailhouse rants and put them on Twitter. Hell, there are lots of people who would do it for free.

76 is actually the temperature in my office at this very moment. The thermostat in here only affects my room, but the higher-ups decided to set a uniform temperature of 72 and install locking plastic covers on the thermostats so we couldn’t change them. The cover has little vents on it, though, and I’ve figured out

Maserati is a regular-ass, mainstream luxury car company now—with just enough sporting flair thrown in to maintain their brand’s value and cachet. “Maserati” doesn’t mean what it used to, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, at least from their perspective. They’re selling better than they ever have, so it appears

The difference is that while their extremists want to kick out all the immigrants, ban abortion (and a host of other things) and just generally implement the most awful, authoritarian evils known to man... our “extremists” want universal health care, free public college tuition, higher taxes for the rich, and so on.

Well, I agree. We do need all of that. But this seems like something that might be a bit easier to implement. 

Here’s an idea. This is a little out there, so bear with me:

Yo, just a heads up: you’re arguing with one of the biggest assholes on this website. YYY doesn’t give one solitary fuck about anything even remotely approaching sanity or rational discourse, *particularly* when it comes to the issue of progressives voting for Hillary in 2016, which they clearly did not do and are

Won’t somebody think of the profits?!?!

He did make clear on a few occasions that he supported criminal justice reform. But— speaking as someone who voted for him—it was also painfully obvious where his priorities were from the very beginning. His pathological inability to shift gears away from economics and speak to issues of racism directly hurt him