Krombopulous Michael

That statement struck me as odd. Sure, everyone who isn’t rich should be on the same side—in theory. But in practice, the majority of poor whites in this country have fallen for the right-wing propaganda that blames all of their problems on black, brown and LGBT people. They represent the most powerful tool that the

I mean, #notallwhiteprogressives, and all... but the fact is, many white progressives really don’t want to prioritize (or discuss at all, really) the fight against racism. That means criminal justice and police reform, obviously, but it’s also a cultural struggle against the attitudes that perpetuate racism and the

Believe it or not, I do understand that ownership of “the means of production” is a big part of capital-S Socialist theory, and that true believers like yourself have been advocating for it for a very long time. I learned about the concept from my avowed-socialist mother, actually, a college professor who taught

Here’s the thing, guys: what most (sane) lefties support is not technically even called socialism. It is called Social Democracy, and it absolutely involves markets and a specific kind of well-controlled capitalism. It is capitalism with socialist characteristics, in other words, and that’s exactly what Elizabeth

That one Boomer literally directly above your comment right now...

Honestly, this probably has more to do with his rivalry with Trump than anything else. He’s not all that popular with the GOP base right now because of his failure to kiss the ring in 2016 and his occasional anti-Trump statements since then.

But you endure the abuse because tax cuts I guess?

Daily? Try “once every two weeks... maybe... if we feel like it”.

Peace? Sounds like some pussy shit to me. 

I assure you, there were plenty of Lost Cause assholes around at the time who could have promulgated that narrative without Lee’s assistance. His death by Union gallows would only have magnified and accelerated their deification of him.

And turned him into even more of a martyr than he already is?

1. ICE was absolutely corrupt during the Obama administration, and well before it. They spent the entire eight years of his presidency chomping at the bit to do exactly what they’re doing now, while actively working to undermine every attempt he made to reign in their fascist tendencies. The only difference today is

We’re voting on both this year, yes—but we need 67 votes to remove Trump from office, and it is literally impossible for us to do that this year because there aren’t that many Republican seats up for re-election in 2018. We can’t even get to 60, for a supermajority. The absolute best we can do is 58 seats, but I

That could be true—except for the fact that an economic downturn will almost certainly come before the next presidential election. It would have happened to Hillary, and it will happen to Trump, too. While some of his (well, his party’s, anyway) policies may have provided short-term boosts to the economy, they will

The answer is probably zero, because there’s a great chance they just stop the briefings altogether. It wouldn’t be much of a leap from “once every 2 months”, would it?

Right? Why do all these people who hate that hellhole so much keep living there?

Ah... sorry for the confusion. I could have been clearer on that point.

I didn’t serve in the military, friendo, and I have never claimed that I did.

Well, that and a bunch of outright lies about his service record in Vietnam, for which no one was ever held accountable in any way.

I do understand that the Paleo diet, as a mechanism to lose weight or get healthy, is bullshit. However: I am extremely glad that it exists. The reason is that my significant other has a whole host of serious asthmatic food allergies that mostly involve dairy and various plant-based proteins, including all types of