Krombopulous Michael

As I already stated, we are not doing that. I can easily buy what I need in either Las Cruces or Santa Fe, so it’s not necessary to take things through the checkpoint. I don’t like to drive on interstates with drugs anyway. But it is still bullshit, and aside from the personal inconvenience, the message they are

I’m not in favor of a police state, but until the law is changed you shouldn’t expect to be able to just bring drugs in and out of the border.

The checkpoint is in New Mexico, not in Texas. Weed is not legal in New Mexico, but the penalties for possession are not very severe. And I am not complaining that it’s illegal—it shouldn’t be, but that’s an entirely different discussion. I am complaining that the federal government is running a drug-sniffing dragnet

Jesus, you are dense. For one thing, I never said that the use of the dog was unconstitutional. I said that it was authoritarian, which is a related but wholly distinct concept. I recognize that it is probably allowed under the law, but that does not make their dragnet tactics any less shitty. Secondly, it is not my

Well, that may be true, but they’re still doing it. Again, it’s like they know there will be no consequences for their actions under this administration, so now they’re on some kind of insane authoritarian power binge. They started pushing boundaries hard before Obama even left office, which tells me that they intend

So here’s a troubling anecdote about ICE/BP that I recently became aware of. There is a border patrol checkpoint just outside Las Cruces, New Mexico, where I lived for a few years. I moved back to Santa Fe last year, just before the election. The girl I’m seeing still lives there, though, and has to pass through that

Only if you live in New York and a few other places. In the vast majority of the country there is no law against “gravity knives”, only against spring-assisted switchblades.

Yeah, most of the people who are waxing nostalgiac about W are not saying he was a good president or that they really want him to be president again. They’re just making the accurate observation that just about anybody would be better than the Cheeto-dusted pile of shit that currently occupies the Oval Office.

What do you have against Timeberlake that you keep trying to make this about him?

Because of years of neglect and inadequate funding, mostly due to the island’s decade-long economic depression. That depression, in turn, has been so long and so severe because of policies handed down by the mainland—such as the Jones act, which makes everything in Puerto Rico much more expensive.

This. It’s like on tech websites, where some people insist on using terms like “Crapple” and “Micro$oft”. It’s childish and stupid and you look like a bandwagoning moron.

We are so gonna have another civil war, I can feel it. These fucks have been priming the pump for it for decades. The NRA would literally rather see the country disintegrate into chaos and violence than see their patrons’ profit margins decrease by any amount, no matter how small.

You understand that if he hadn’t agreed to do this, he would have been immediately fired, right? If any of the stuff about Kelly staying onboard mostly because he wants to prevent a complete collapse of the government is true... well, this doesn’t really disprove that at all.

Weirdly, I had the same problem with my People’s Endeavor of New Intersectional Socialism party. People can be so closed-minded!

I mean... that’s how it is in little towns, mostly. Bigger cities name their schools because they have a lot of them. Or, if they’re New York, they just give up and start assigning them numbers.

Be that as it may, the fact remains that the Taliban government of Afghanistan knowingly aided and abetted a terrorist organization that used their safe haven to plan, train for and ultimately execute the deadliest terrorist attack in the history of the world. Bin Laden may have been a Saudi, but Al Qaeda was based in

Clearly, Michael Williams did. Tucker was the first to make the claim, and I can almost guarantee that this guy saw the segment and cribbed his talking points from it.

Who are these alleged “firearm experts”? Tucker Carlson said the same shit without citing any sources and I am 99% sure he pulled it right out of his own asshole. You don’t NEED accuracy when you’re firing into a tightly-packed festival crowd of 20,000 people! Arrrrgggghghhghhghhhhhhh *rage stroke*

Well, either that or “the man who killed us all in a hellstorm of nuclear fire”.

Is that you, MauryCompson?