Krombopulous Michael

Hey, go easy on Jeff Bezos. Helping people is expensive. It’s not like he’s literally the richest man in the world!

Non-binary just means that they don’t feel like they have a gender, or that they possess characteristics of both genders to such an extent that they don’t feel either one is dominant. This can be caused by a gene mutation like Klinefelter syndrome, or by various epigenetic, environmental and/or completely random

Yeah, otherwise known as “regressive taxation”. A flat tax is a fucking terrible idea, because 30% of 10 million dollars still leaves that person with 7 MILLION DOLLARS, which is an incredibly large amount of money that literally anyone could live comfortably on and still have plenty left to blow on, well, blow. 30%

White Hispanic, maybe, like me. But we all know that’s still far too “swarthy” for the Donald, who only considers Aryans blue-eyed, blonde-haired Real Americans to be truly white enough.

He’s spent a vastly greater amount of time and effort bragging about how good his response is than he has actually, you know, responding.

Jesus Christ. Natural disasters are a good-PR gimme for the president of the United States. Literally all he has to do is appear supportive, give FEMA and the National Guard as much money and manpower as they ask for, and work with Congress to appropriate additional funds as necessary. He can’t even do those things,

He mentioned it briefly to some reporters, then went right back to tweeting about the NFL and how bad NBC is. He seems to think that all he has to do to “manage” a disaster is say some vague platitudes about sympathy and support, and then not devote any attention to the subject ever again.

Well, as I understand it, the idea behind the guaranteed retaliatory strike is that an actor like North Korea will only be deterred from launching an attack if they know that their own destruction will shortly follow. I’m all for reducing the world’s nuclear arsenals all the way to zero, but it has to be done in a

It all flows back to his bottomless narcissism. Every single thing he does, he does in his own self-interest. If he doesn’t feel like he’s getting enough praise and good PR out of helping someone, he just won’t do it. If that’s not sociopathy, it is at least sociopath-adjacent.

My troop went camping every single month, even in the winter. I guess things might be different if you live in a megalopolis like New York and have to drive six hours to actually reach the wilderness, but maybe your troop was just lame.

I’m not comfortable with it at all, and Congress needs to pass a law stating that at the very least, a nuclear first strike cannot be launched unilaterally, with only the president’s approval. That being said, if Trump asked the millitary to shoot nukes at a populated target without good cause, that order would have

This is just someone making a super funny joke, people, because:

I mean... he can’t be “next” if a slew of accusations about him have already come out, been all over the media for months, and then slowly faded because his supporters don’t care.

Yeah, I meant that it definitely was one of Ana’s actual memories. I don’t think K is the only one who received it, either. It sounds like he was one of many replicants who did, but he just happened to be the one who found the wooden horse.

I don’t know about the “males only” thing. Mariette has a line in the film that implies she has seen the memory too.

Ana did say “someone lived this, yes”. My take is that it’s a real memory of hers which actually happened. She recreated it later and seeded it into the minds of many replicants so that they might have something to unify them later on. As the blade runner who finally tracked down Sapper and began to unravel the

She’s an attorney. Making excuses for her clients is kind of her job.

A little-known fact: Donald Trump does not shed tears. His tear ducts instead produce a highly corrosive, battery-acid-like substance, which occasionally leaks from the corners of his eyes when he sees a flattering news item about himself. Scientists have speculated that this may have something to do with the fact

Crucially, much of that rebuilding was made possible by dump trucks of Marshall Plan money. The federal government needs to get off its ass and invest the requisite funds, or very little will be accomplished anytime soon.

Most of the media outlets I’ve been following this story on, including most of the large mainstream ones, have been saying that this is the largest mass shooting in modern American history—presumably to distinguish it from the earlier massacres.