
I wish I'd seen this thread a few days ago before I renewed my pre-installed Norton.

Digsby doesn't have IRC? What gives?


Most keyboards do not have a calculator button. No standard modern keyboard layout mandates a "calculator" key.

Type the math problem into a Google search box. Voila. Google Calculator even does unit conversions, e.g. "30 ft / 4 min in mph" or "45F in C", currency exchange ("29.95 USD in GBP"), constants ("(pi*1.5ft)^2"), even number spaces ("255 in binary"), etc.

There oughtta be a website, a la Chilling Effects or Consumerist, where people post stories about being told not to take pictures of some place/thing when it was perfectly legal to do so.

More screen real estate means being able to see more things at once, thereby increasing the speed of visual information.

Does anyone really have many SATA drives lying around unused? All my old drives are PATA (aka old IDE, wide-plug ribbon cable). SATA is fairly new by my measure. In fact the computer I just bought last week doesn't even have SATA AFAIK.

Exchange integration.

I think the next post on LH should be How To Improve Your Computer's Performance By Removing Vista.

This is like the third thing this week that I already do. I guess I should go through all my other habits and start submitting the ones that may be unique.

I wish I'd posted that when I thought of it years ago. Though mine was more like 0-9: friends, 11-19: family, 22-39: coworkers, 50-59: businesses.

Anyone know how to do the opposite — convert Tivo files to a format that can be (with further converting?) put on a Zune?

I used to run our WAP open, mostly because I was lazy and didn't see the point and theoretically didn't mind outside use. But we ended up having issues with devices getting on the network and causing problems, either taking up too much of our just-under-15KF DSL bandwidth, or even worse things like IP/MAC collisions.

For a similar reason I have an instrumental Zune playlist and a few instrumental Pandora stations, for when I need choons to get in the zone at work. I found that I listened to lyrics too much, even for songs I knew well, particularly where the lyrics were the focus of the song (most rap, for example). So, I made a

Gee, I usually just use a regular pen, slip the pen point through the loose side, insert, pull, rip. It may not be blisteringly straight cut, but it opens.

Similar to others... We were away from home visiting family, who live in a small-town place that doesn't have a lot of intellectuals or technophiles per capita, and found them idling on the shelf at the WalMart.

Srsly, if you don't know to avoid these, or be suspicious of them, you shouldn't run Linux. Sorry. I might not know what :(){:|:&};: does at first blush, but I'd sure as hell not run it.

Bleh. So, I have to have a spare XP bootable drive lying around in order to restore the image. I'll go back to researching doing this with dd on a LiveCD.

PS Thanks, this'll hopefully make it easier to delete all the Vietnamese spam I keep getting.