Krod Mandoon

Most Americans cannot afford a car. Most Americans cannot afford not to have a car. Most Americans believe in angels.

Anyone else think this guy ultimately died of stupidity?

Ahh fuck me! Now we are about to get a bunch of unskippable warning and crap every time we try to use Google maps.

But Google doesn't have a legal liability since they aren't in charge of road safety. Maps is a convenience service, not an official entity of road safety.

Why wouldn’t the same thing have happened with a paper map?

Shouldn’t be up to google who is providing a free service to be responsible for keeping you safe driving. The property owner of the bridge, whoever that may be, should be the one who is held liable as there were no signs or barricades. I had read that there was confusion on who actually owned it. Regardless, this is

Also, this guy lived there as he was traveling home from a bday party for his kid, how did he not know the bridge was and had been out? Who is taking random drives home at 11pm to their house?

And for 9 years there was no barricade or bridge out warning signs?

If there’s a crying baby, trust me, no one knows that more than the parents with that baby. And they’re doing everything they can.

I’m 6'3". I book economy plus for this reason. 

Now playing

Well look at the bright side, if you needed to use the shitter, it was right nearby!

I’m not super-tall (5'11"), but I can’t fathom how anyone reclining a seat is going to “smash it into your knees” unless your Tib/Fib is like 36" long.  

I don’t understand how anybody could feel entitled to tell others what to do with the seat/space they purchased and not feel like they’re being a prick.

I recline and I don’t feel bad at all. If we expect fat people to buy two seats next to each other, why shouldn’t I expect a tall person to buy a bulkhead seat or to purchase two tickets in front/behind each other..

Is this a power thing? Do you complain about other passengers instead of the airline companies because you think airlines have more rights to make you uncomfortable than your fellow passengers?

Airlines have been shrinking seat space and charging more for it, for years.

1000 years in jail for the people who put their carry on in the first available bin and not the one above their seat. I want nothing to do with being in a metal can with no survivable exits while in the air and I sure don’t want to be in it even a second longer than necessary.

Without shame, I’m a use my recline, except during meal service person.

How about we make parking benches for sitting and we house homeless people. How about we make railings for holding on and make skate parks for skating.

If I had a nickel for every time the inside of my skull got X-Rayed by an oncoming Acura MDX...

Sony: “Sorry bros. Spidey’s exclusive to Playstation. We own the rights to him in media. See? Sucks for you, lolz.