Krod Mandoon

What leads you to believe any YouTuber is self-respecting?

Maybe they really want people to buy the game once on console and then again on PC?

I’d love to know Rockstar/Take Two’s business reasoning for delaying the PC versions of their games. If this was 2003, the obvious answer would be “piracy” but these days, PC versions make more than enough money to offset any potential losses from piracy. Throw in the MTX revenue from GTA Online and delaying the PC

Not surprising.

I’m sorry a PC owner stole your boy and/or girl. That must have been really painful. Luckily you have your console to cuddle at night.

Seems incredibly shortsighted given that PC game sales were only about 15% below all COMBINED console sales last year.Let alone modded PC RP servers have been what’s keeping GTA online still relevant on Twitch.

Arrrrr matey, raise the jolly roger. 

As always, there’s an xkcd for everything.

Especially as every time we buy some digital shit, the seller claims we’re buying, and not that we’re licensing said shit.

Congress out here having hearings on AI that isn't remotely ready for prime time, meanwhile corporations out here straight stealing from people.

I mean you can still steal a rental that you pay for, but that’s beside the point, copying is fundamentally different than stealing and piracy is about the only way for the average citizen to fight back against this corporate dystopia. Shows there’s still a demand for the content, just not the way that it’s being

One aspect of piracy that’s less discussed is the files typically have less DRM and platform restrictions. You’re less likely to be locked to a specific console or player which removes one of the primary concerns with digital about losing access based on the whims of the studios. I think it’s one of the reasons

Torrenting can't be stealing if paying for it isn't owning.

Or buy it physical in the first place and rip it to something like Plex for the sake of convenience.

Something something high seas, something something torrent.

You’re right, but that requires another layer of thought! That’s too much for the average person.

I truly don’t understand how it isn’t drilled into everyone’s head that this is important. It’s not hard, usually not even if you have something in your hands. Maybe if you’re drinking coffee and driving stick, but generally you can manage and we know the percentage of manual cars on the road is basically 0.

I give these people once. After the first passing zone, they get burned no matter how much they speed up.

It’s not illegal, but people on two-lane roads driving at or slightly below the speed limit who then accelerate to ten or more mph over the speed limit at passing zones, making it impossible to get by them with going WAY OVER the speed limit. Of course, once the passing zone ends, they slow way down again. Assholes.

There’s a little variation on legality here, but you can cross a single solid white line in most places. It’s not wrong or illegal to cross, it’s just not recommended (in most places) but it’s fine to cross if it is safe to do so