I’ll be that person... Was this a black child, specially a male, this would never happen. And if it by chance would, the outrage from Fox and their ilk would be enormous...
I’ll be that person... Was this a black child, specially a male, this would never happen. And if it by chance would, the outrage from Fox and their ilk would be enormous...
Eh, as soon as she’s gone he’ll be playing The Bachelor President with a bevy of beauties. May even put an “I need an American wife” spin on it. Hell, it could be his next reality show.
I’m in the grays but I posted that the look she gives him is not hate but fear. His abusive nature definitely extends to his wife.
I didn’t mean to suggest she didn’t marry him for his money, just that she may have known a different person prior to marriage. Narcissists are very good at putting on a persona and they are usually pathological liars. It may not have been until after Barron was born that he became different. Narcissists do something…
Yeah, some fucking Foundation.
I guess the Trumps just giving that money to St. Jude’s is out of the question.
And that has what to do with Polanski? Look, I get it, people have different opinions about age gaps, young and old, affairs, etc. Your morals are your morals. But you’re comparing a convicted pedophile to a man sleeping with a 19 year old woman. I’m not the one with the hot take here.
Oh fucking stop she was 19 not 13.
Day 1 of my cycle is today. I am writing this on the loo while my ass falls out and my uterus spasms. It’s fucking rancid in here!!
It’s her fucking name, show some respect.
Or maybe it was serious enough to want custody and think she should have it, but not so bad she thinks he’s a criminal, and she’s a human woman with normal emotions and a responsibility to their kids?
i am into this, but also idris is way too cool to be friends w her becky ass self.
So...she wanted the relationship to be more Loki.
Lately I’ve been really feeling this conflict surrounding the Brock Turner case (and the other ones like it). Because on one hand, I’m 100% against rape. On the other, I’m not the wrath and punishment sort.
Is anyone else bothered by the use of certain euphemisms for genitalia? I know someone who refers to her kids’ vagina/penis as “naughty bits,” and it makes me kinda nauseous.
I urge y’all to write a story about Claressa Shields. She just won gold in boxing for the second time in a row and it wasn’t even close. She’s from Flint, Michigan. She was disappointed she get more attention/endorsements after the last Olympics and thinks it was because she doesn’t fit the “pretty” image of other…
I feel like a person whose introduction to porn was their rapist abductor kind of doesn't have the most level starting point for a conversation about the subject. But maybe that's just me.
*ding ding ding*
Okay, I am a little shocked at the number of comments about how Fu Yuanhei should have used hormonal birth control to skip her period for Rio. Lady is an elite athlete who no doubt has tracked her fitness relative to nutrition, medications, rest, etc. for years. Shouldn't we give her the benefit of assuming she knows…