So her outfit was attacked by moths?
So her outfit was attacked by moths?
I really wish they chose some non-racially loaded word to name this because that shit would be otherwise hilarious.
So then a miscarriage would be what, involuntary manslaughter???
I just want to know what is up with them always slicking down North's hair? I'm sure her natural, likely curly hair is adorable.
Wait. She was really going to attempt to cash a $94 million check at the grocery store bank???
Idk. Saying this dress code is racist is the same as saying that this is how black people in general dress. While, I'm not denying that there's a segment of the black population that falls into this dress code, it's a little shitty to imply all black people dress this way. That's what saying it's racist does. For it…
Ah, there's the rub. Common sense isn't something that can be taught. Oh, how I wish that wasn't the case.
There was a picture of Khloe Kardashian in a Yahoo article the other day. She has cornrows and I hate to admit it, but it works for her.
Well, since there was barely a peep when it happened to Rihanna and Jill Scott, the violation of privacy is not important when it comes to women of color, obviously. Not until it happens to a white celebrity, is it a deal of epic proportions.
Let's say it was your mother or your sisters's coochie put out there for all the world to see, and then let's see if you feel differently.
That's not necessarily true. People have done all kinds of things while sleep walking. From experience, it doesn't take much to roll over and start having sex with someone you're sleeping next to. You're being dismissive of a disorder that is legitimate and both men and women suffer from. So, this particular could…
I watched a documentary where a woman suffered from this. It may seem insane, but it's a real disorder people suffer from. Granted, anyone who suffers from that needs to inform anyone they share a bed with, but I think it's unfair to label this guy like he's some common rapist. If it's anything like sleepwalking, it…
Judgey McJudgerson needs to shut his pie hole.
My very first OBGyn was male, attractive, and friends with my parents. Talk about awkward dinner parties.
OK. Either John Travolta needs to embrace his balding head or he needs to pay a visit to Sean Connery or William Shattner's rug guy. That horrible piece he's wearing isn't fooling anyone! That god awful über jet black merkin masquerading as a goatee he's sporting definitely isn't helping the situation!
The Kardashian universe. 'Nough said.
Aren't they married? I've read that in a couple different articles.
Have you considered some people might be emotionally harmed by this?
I need more detail. Was she just on the bike or was the bike running? While still wrong to do in front of children, I get the door being open. Ya know, carbon monoxide and all.
I have a sincere question. I preface it by saying that no one ever deserves to be physically abused in any way. Because of her choice to marry this man after that, does she bear any responsibility for what happens from here on out? I understand that question is distasteful, but I really want to know what people…