United States of Bonerland

Remember the great biting-the-hand gag on BoJack Horseman, where the pilot episode of that show he was on was “a tight hour and eighteen minutes long”?

aka “like a typical Netflix show”

Gosh, CGI in this is just terrible. Well, not that this is a surprise, since Banner-Hulk wasn’t convincing in that last Avengers movie as well, and that had a cinema blockbuster budget, but... Well, I’d have guessed that they’ve made some advancements in three years since then. This looks like things went in opposite

The big bad will be the inherent unfairness of the US legal system against those without money.

So is this series going to have a big bad? or is it just going to be slice of life, because the MCU could stand to benefit from a whole lot of slice of life and move away from the overly done, terrible looking big bad fight scenes.

Space Jam: A New Legacy: The Game: The Movie: The Game

When Shaggy puts a guy in jail they stay there. Learn from him, Batman. 

Now playing

If they got the voice actors from the Japanese dub of this episode of The Simpsons to dub them in this new series, I would watch it. There’s something so deadly serious about their delivery that I find kind of hilarious. Like they’re doing Married...with Children as a Kurosawa film or something.

... I want references to their other shows.

As a fellow MBA, I think blogs are just bad at reporting data like this. Especially blogs that are just rewording other blogs’ content, slapping a couple hyperlinks, and calling it a day. 

For instance, when someone loses their life savings on crypto, where did that money actually end up?

All the money that was put in is extracted by the people who run the exchanges or a few lucky early adopters.  

I’m enjoying the irony of a group of people who ranted about the worthlessness of fiat currency because it’s not backed by GOLD putting their money/faith into a fiat currency backed by wasting electricity.

This is like the 1929 stock market crash but only for the guy from your high school who was really really into Ron Paul.

Bitcoin will never reach zero.

I have a friend who works at Comcast and he claims that for years the company that owned Red Box actively lobbied against getting state and federal funds to expand high speed internet to rural areas because they knew once people could stream shit their last market was dead. Apparently Family Video spend money doing

Brilliant comment/username synergy.

I can’t photoshop at work; just use your imaginations.