United States of Bonerland

Reminds me of this:

I always wonder how these people square their worldview with the fact that It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia has run 15 years and counting.

Literally the only legos my 6 year old will consider. Which is irritating, because it means when he’s playing with them or building them he’s using up the phone and a huge chunk of the table. But he’s also had fun making his own mario levels so...

My friend, they were impossible to find the first couple of months they were out. At least in LA.

My kid loves the hell out of them, but to be fair Mario and Lego separately are huge selling points for my little boy so putting them together is a no brainer.

You must not be well versed in modern grocery.  MANY modern extremely popular energy drinks have 250-350mg of caffeine per 500ml.

Ever get the impression ISPs are up to some dark shady shit that we don’t even know of yet?

Sadly this is probably only feasible in places where the state government has a feud with spectrum. Everywhere else is payed off by spectrum to make starting up a competing isp a nightmare and to look the other way when it comes to their own BS.

The big cable and ISP companies in America are ripping off customers at rates that are criminal in the rest of the world.

Also, if you VOLUNTEER to be on the Confederate side of a reenactment, you’re probably a MAGA chud and I hope you stub your big toe twice a day for the rest of your life. 

I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. Confederate monuments should not exist anywhere outside of museums. They’re participation trophies for treasonous seditionists and pretty much every single one was built in the years after the Civil War, usually during things like Jim Crow or the Civil Rights movement (which

For once, I think Steak Umm has made a good point here. The whole point of science, that I think Tyson misstated, is that it’s NOT about truth. It’s about understanding through proven methods that can be replicated. Even the most seemingly accepted “facts” about the observable world, aren’t so much facts or truths, as

Yeah.  I recall him being dismissive about the issue a couple years back but this is a hard 180.  Its for the best. 

He should teach classes on how to apologize correctly. You'd think people could figure it out, but apparently they never can. I'm glad he had a thoughtful seemingly genuine response. 

This also doesn’t account for the number of people who “finished” the movie in that they fell asleep while it was running.

I just want to take the time to mention this little quote from the Hollywood Reporter article covering this (

That doesn’t really track. A Wrinkle in Time came out March 2018; a week after it came out (when it was already tracking to do poorly), they announced DuVernay was directing New Gods. A year later, they announced King was writing it. For “because AWIT tanked” to be the reason they’re pulling it now, 3 years later,

You know what’s really fucking great perusing this on my phone. Can’t even see the comments section when typing.

Being a ‘cat person,’ I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Now do it on a transverse V-6 in a minivan.