United States of Bonerland


I have a fairly good understanding of blockchain, encryption, and cryptocurrencies in general and I still can’t wrap my head around NFTs. Is there any evidence that it’s anything more than the apotheosis of “it’s worth whatever you can convince some moron to pay for it”?

aren’t ALL right-leaning male “personalities” incels at heart? I can’t think of one where I thought, that guy seems to really respect women.

Of all of the things to pick Piers for being an asshole apart with, him deciding not to engage in further personal attacks is what you decided tomake a story about.

Ah yes. Piers Morgan truly has the right to act huffy because someone made “personal attacks” against him. I cannot understand where someone would get the idea that such behavior was acceptable on his show! 

I despise Piers Morgan an enormous amount, having had to live through his years as a tabloid editor and his career as a tv presenter, and witness the misery he’s caused, his hypocrisy and the horrendous opinions he holds, but I can’t help but wonder if there was a producer telling him in his ear to storm off in a huff

Why is Piers Morgan still employed? Who likes him?

Ahhh... so he’s an incel too. Good to know.

The primary problem is that they didn’t hire a darker-skinned woman. Instead they hired a lighter-skinned woman and altered her to look darker, reinforcing problems in the industry where lighter-skinned people are given more opportunities.

I’m generally on the “anti-anti-woke” side when these sorts of disagreements pop up around here, but even I found the “well this is obviously the worst thing ever, no further context necessary” tone of this article off-putting. I think the root of the issue—emphasis on think; I’m a white dude and I’m not all that

I don’t understand why this is an objectionable thing. I’d appreciate it very much if someone with patience took the time to explain it. Apologies in advance, I’m sure the existence of this comment will not sit well with people who already understand this better than I do.

Yeah I can’t even change my phone number without thinking of all the ramifications, changing email seems like an impossible task now.

I think, like a different commenter (JoshMC) suggested, don’t do it with literally everything, especially to start off. Switch over the really important accounts that need as much security and privacy as possible (bank, insurance, other things that my foggy-at-7:30 brain isn’t thinking about), and continue using your

That all sounds good, truly, and this may sound the height of laziness, but there’s a critical mass of user accounts tied into my gmail account that at this stage? It’d make switching clients a logistical nightmare. I hear the privacy issues but untangling the garden hose of my daily digital life would be immense.

My favorite TPIR moment ever was when a woman wildly overbid on her showcase, she bid something like $95,000 at a time when the showcases never exceeded a third of that amount, and her competitor immediately started screaming “One dollar! One dollar!”

Wow its been a while,  Drew Carey with the big white beard is blowing my mind.  

I gave up 1/2 way thru the article and skipped to the comment section.

What she’s saying is DO skip to the recipe, but DON’T use a website to do it for you, and DO skip the headline because whoever wrote it doesn’t seem like they read the article.

This comment reply confuses me. Your entire article is all about not skipping the stuff before a recipe and you’re energetically agreeing it only takes seconds to skip it.

The Tesla camping in the left lane immediately removes all credibility they had.