United States of Bonerland

I notices that the armor didn’t fit Morrison and his dad bod but also Olyphant. Maybe Olyphant was tall for the armor or something. I also never realized how much of Fett’s armor is actually not armor but cloth. Are those cargo pants and sleeves denim?

I can get where Nolan is coming from, given his love for cinematic experience.

Because assholes who think their movie can only be seen in a theater during a pandemic can fuck themselves 

Who’d a thought the streaming war would turning into a pissing contest.

Hey Nolan. There is a fucking pandemic going on and will be going on a long time next year.  Do you want people to actual see your movies?

China’s not great.

It’s maybe the most profoundly stupid way in history to sabotage a movie.

Man, that is a stupid-ass joke. What does that even mean? My 8 year-old could come up with a better pun.

It slowly shrank in the wash over a thousand years.

It’s really only half the armor, which makes sense considering everything it’s been through, but does kind of make it look like they didn’t finish up the CGI on the stuntman.

It was nice that they finally let Boba Fett do something useful and cool in a Star Wars story.  He’s been skating on his reputation for 40 years now.

I gotta admit I was extremely iffy about bringing back Fett. But god damn it worked. Morrison being too old for the role was nicely sidestepped by his sarlacc digestion scars, and there were some real neat tricks up his sleeves (watch those knee rockets!). Those incredibly brutal armour smashing blows from his (sand

*extremely Oscar Isaac voice*
Somehow, ... the Empire returned.”


The first rule of dermatology: If you know what it is, you don’t need to touch it.  If you don’t know what it is, why would you want to touch it.

Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to the mysterious monolith.

So this should set Trump up to be banned from the site, right!?

This isnt a review of a game, it’s an editorial. Maybe the fact you can’t even discern that is proof enough you weren’t paying attention in the 80s. 

“I lived them, it wasn’t so bad” - probably because you’re the exact type of person Reagan and his administration liked - a white, straight, neurotypical , middle class American man. I know it’s the big scary no-no word these days, but y’know what that’s called? Privilege. It’s best you start recognizing you lived a

I don’t see how we move forward as a country without bringing the Q crowd back from the edge of the cliff, and I’m all ears for ideas on how to do that.