United States of Bonerland

Lol, it’s better that it looks. She’s pretty cool

Whoa, whoa, whoa, there’s still plenty of meat on that bantha! Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato - baby, you’ve got a stew goin’!

Ready for it to be back but it’s a little concerning how they’re trying to fit it into the larger universe w/some Skywalker ties.

Lemme tell ya a little story about directing. I was supervising reshoots on The Mandalorian. Never once touched my per diem. Went to craft services, got blue milk, some bacon, couple of radishes... Baby Yoda, I had a stew goin!

Metalocalypse welcomes Venture Bros to the "unfinished story club".

Gets tossed onto the pile of “The creators had seemingly set up the series for its natural conclusion, so don’t let them actually finish it” with Metalocalypse.

I get that Adult Swim is a low budget network, but it baffles me that the shows creators have so little insight as to whether their shows will have another season or not — especially the shows that have run for more than a couple seasons.

I see you haven’t watched many of his videos. He makes mistakes aaaall the time, and they are often included, or at least mentioned. He’s very aware that he makes mistakes constantly because he’s impatient and wants things done now now now. It has been ingrained in his soul from working in special effects for decades

A video of you doing it “the better way” would be useless. Guess what, most of us don’t have water jets, lasers, or routing tables but even I have a router I can screw on to a jig. He acknowledges the heavy machined way, but luckily offered this simple option that got the job done. 

I think you’re being a tad hyperbolic here.

I think Momoa has been consistently friendly to/supportive of his JL castmates on social media, and all the JL cast have been supportive of Snyder and his Snyder Cut idea. Not sure if that means they all hang out together or anything. In any case, if I was agent for any of the others, particularly the ones who have a

Hey Ray. We realize you wanted to be in a franchise like the folks in those Marvel pictures ... but remember when War Machine was played by Terrance Howard and The Hulk was played by Eric Bana?

Yeah, neither does anyone else.

First real movie and by the looks of it, last real movie. 

I don’t think the screenshot of an e-mail basically saying he hung up on the investigator without discussing any details is quite the proof of willing cooperation that he thinks it is.

Nobody’s corroborated his story. I almost feel bad about saying this, but I just don’t believe the guy. His proof, at least to me, just seems to confirm that no, he didn’t cooperate with the investigation. If he didn’t know to have legal counsel on stand-by to begin with then that’s just dumb on his part. The

See, I called it last night: He’s gonna double down and say there’s this grand conspiracy from WB out to get him to appeal to the Snyder Tibalists. Because if he tells the truth that he made what I generously call an exaggerated his claims of Whedon’s professional behavior on the Justice League because he was a

Boy, I certainly can’t think of another industry that’s as famously warm and forgiving about difficult people who badmouth their colleagues as Hollywood.

When it costs a corporation next to nothing to do the right thing, it becomes a lot easier to do so.

Hopefully the airlines are sharing the “disruptive passenger” lists with each other.

Should have kicked Karen off the flight.