United States of Bonerland

Once again, they’ve left me wanting less.

Hey, Tron: Legacy gave us one of the best film scores of the decade.

You over-do you, AV Club

I think that, no matter our differences, almost every single person on the planet all cheer if Jared Leto was fired into the sun.

That blob monster that ate Tasha Yar?”

Jesus fucking Christ, The AV Club - it didn’t eat her - it SMACKED her.

Where are your standards these days, The AV Club? WHERE ARE YOUR STANDARDS?

Every TA I ever met fucked a student, that’s why that line in Avenue Q got such a huge laugh.  I wish I could say mine had better booze drugs or sex than a single other college but it was seriously repressed (and not for any apparent reason).  My friend who went to BYU has told me stories that made my school sound

We really don’t have the time dissect all of that just now, but we would recommend reading the whole interview for more insight into what goes on in the mind of a QAnon diehard.

and I’ll eat my fucking shoe if at least one of your profs wasn’t either sleeping with a student or married to a former student, not that the phenomenon is only in theater but it’s really sad.  There should be a reckoning.

Because it became a TV show where the main goal is to chase ratings and dollars. If you upset the interviewee, they won’t give you more access. Without access, you can’t fill time with content and use that content chase ratings. So they won’t challenge anyone in a real, straight forward way.

It’s not a terrible movie, but it doesn’t really hit that Jonze/Gondry mark. As I say in the review, it’s cool that he’s doing something different, and his performance as an Eastern European immigrant from the earliest 20th century is quite enjoyable!

The BBC is not necessarily the bastion of great journalism these days, but a few months back on their World Report I heard one of their correspondents questioning an official about a election problems in their country and it was amazing to not only hear them dispute inaccurate statements and ask follow up questions,

ok boomer

It’s not sacrifice to give someone 1k if you have 100,000k. It’s just not. You won’t miss it.

i never quite understood why journalists stopped pressing their subjects on easily proven facts like these. on the upside it takes very little now since the people in power have grown complacent in the safety they can say whatever they want, and fuck up majestically when pushed. so keep fucking pushing.

True enough. And yeah, I neglected to consider Lynch. He’s definitely odd, but to my knowledge, no one has ever accused him of being handsy or racist or unprofessional on set..

If you think about filmmakers as theater directors (and many have been, including Jodorowsky) and you think about how many gropey “edgy” productions of plays colleges do where they add unnecessary nudity, especially stuff originating in the 60s and 70s, it’s a miracle the me-too movement hasn’t entirely destroyed the


Harsh words, but yea.. This is where I’m at too. Seeing how late we were to close and how quick we were to open, infuriated me. Felt like my city was locked down for all of 24 hours before people rushed outside again. All the pushback on common sense measures? Just because they wanted to go to gyms and bars. The

I mean, I sort of agree in theory, but in practice Apatow is immediately discounting any movie made before the late ’60s as not meaningfully capturing adult life because the characters don’t say “fuck,” which strikes me as shortsighted. And beyond even making allowances for older movies and assuming he’s only talking

It’s not Pittsburgh’s fault! I’d rather they just set it in Pittsburgh than try to pass it off as another city.

Also, TBH I think the PG-13 is one of the better things about it. I think Rogen is great but I don’t really understand his obsession with making so many of his movies hard R. This movie would not be improved