United States of Bonerland

Shocking (that this doesn’t happen constantly, especially to tech bros whose apps explicit purpose is crime/money laundering and tax evasion).

Anytime someone uses the phrase “Hollywood elites” you know what they’re about to say is definitely an original thought. Anyway, something something liberal sheep, I’m sure.

But that’s the entire point. The second movie is all about how systems demand violence through systemic power structures, even to their own self-destruction. Same with the third and hammered home in the fourth.

Thank god, they must have read my comment card. Because he was on at least round 17 with a standard 10-round mag during the Paris traffic circle scene. I just kept hearing Sterling Archer saying he learned to count when he was 3 in my mind.

Saw a screening of this a few months ago and am glad to finally talk about it. Really liked it but felt like they fudged the parts about John wick that made the first so appealing. Like, does he even reload anymore? How can a “blind” man possibly use a gun effectively in an outdoor setting? I love the franchise but am

If that’s the only reason you go, you’re going to be really frustrated during the first act. 

What the fuck does this even mean? Did you think before writing this? So your criticism is what, exactly? That a pair of directors who is well-liked and hard-working was offered work, and they took it? So you’re mad that they’re working?

Yeah, I came here to say this. My seven year old son was interested in Shazam 2 after seeing a poster at the movies. So I started to rewatch the first one to see if it would be appropriate for him. I’d completely forgotten how bleak and dark it is at times. Even though my kid is getting older, he’s still very much a

anachronistic speech

Exclusivity agreements with venues and labels, I’d imagine.

I was browsing HBO, Netflix, Prime, and Hulu earlier today trying to find something to watch, and the best streaming services by far right now are HBO and Tubi with adblocker. Just such a fragmented, unpleasant mess for consumers. I could buy an additional hard drive every month with what I’m paying for streaming. 👀

Unless one of us gives them a 90s-era binary computer virus or a common cold.

didn’t really need this to have a message, I would’ve liked to of had a coherent point of you. I wasn’t sure with a joke was supposed to be, that he is weird, or that it’s a big, tough guy, normalizing playing with dolls, but then he turns out he kind of is a pedo? It felt like every single one of the sketches this

Don’t you get it? It’s funny because the book is wet.

Are they remaking/updating what happened to Bobby Driscoll, too? “Hardcore Disney fans will love the subtle nods to the original in this remake, like filming key scenes in the same abandoned building where Driscoll’s body was found!”

Yes, that seems to be their sarcastic point.

Ah. Understandable since they’ve absorbed pretty much every other family IP.

Why is Disney part of this equation at all?

Glad to hear this. I’ve been having a lot of impostor syndrome lately, and if someone like Goldsman can make massive money writing shit scripts, then maybe I can write my stupid internet shorts. 

You sound like the height-insecure incels who think paying for dinner entitles you to sex. I feel sorry for every potential romantic partner in your orbit (but it sounds like there aren’t many).