United States of Bonerland

Good luck enforcing “Sightline” seating in an empty theater, dickheads

Yes that was exactly my point, thanks for the comment!

Wait, you’re telling me that while reminiscing about his biggest, most mainstream breakout role from over 20 years ago, this 80-year old actor said reflexively nice-but-qualified things about the person who hired him? I’ve got a new headline for this article then!

Ah yes, all of the immigrant shops famously filling small, midwest towns.

What’s weird to me is that the tech/high frame rate was one of the only reasons to see this for me. But clearly not everyone is hitting IMAX hfr screenings to post these numbers.

It’s on Xbox Game Pass if you have PC or Xbox. Wish I’d done that instead of buying it on steam.

Because it involved the termination of a contract, legal definitely got involved, at least to review the terms of firing him. But you’re right, it wasn’t necessarily legal weighing his crimes.

I’ve seen what’s public. But even for these kinds of accusations, the response from networks is pretty strong. Which makes me wonder:

I don’t quite get this, maybe someone can clarify? Afaik it’s only white supremacist/nazi shitheads who refer to Jewish people as being a separate race. When my uncle married a Jewish girl, we didn’t refer to his marriage as mixed-race (although if he’d married a black woman my grandpa definitely would have talked

I don’t want to see another Avatar movie. But I crave good movies. So I’m mad this appears to be genuinely good. I do not want to spend 3 fucking hours watching an Avatar movie. But I know I’ll probably like it. James fuckin’ Cameron, man.

What if I just want to be a hero champion for fun?

Data is clear that appealing to diverse audiences increases sales, so this should be good news for you, right? Or are you just an angry manbaby racist who doesn’t understand cost/benefit analysis?

You mean Moon Noise? I felt like an old man trying to keep up with all that movement without much direction.

It’s exclusive to the 63 reporters on the same livestream, okay?

And as a member of everybody’s favorite space-themed religion (second only to Mormonism), this trip actually counts as a worship service and is entirely tax free!

Atticus Finch, but I get your point about definitionally not needing a role model. Yet there’s a massive lack of “this is what it means to be a grown adult” in media, especially for men who have assholes like Trump and Scott Galloway lifted up as their superiors.

Okay, but these stories are told by characters wearing flashy, bright uniforms and who occassionally have superpowered fights.

Okay but Alan Moore’s not a historian, he’s a legendary comics writer. This is is kind of his lane. so it’s kind of fine IMO for him to stay in his lane instead of trying to over-extrapolate ideas to the entirety of human experience.

Yeah, but you’re arriving at the point Moore is making. Superheroes don’t cause fascism, but grown people retreating into simplistic morality tales for children is a symptom of a failing society. It’s a marker of where we already were going.

Can you even have Frodo without Sam?