United States of Bonerland

Ramsey works the church crowd because some churches get a kickback on fees

I have, but then my accountant comes back with stuff like “hey you can deduct up to $X per meeting you have in your home,” using Donald Trump like shenanigans where I pay myself a deductible consulting fee. Those end up putting more money in my pocket. And I don’t have to spend more than a 20-minute phone call doing

Counterpoint: every time I’ve hired an accountant, they’ve always found deductions and programs that earned be back 10x their fees or more that I otherwise might not have known about. Worth the $200 for me. 

I always took THIS as the joke. “Chang tried so hard to get into something with the group that he paints himself an unnatural color head to toe, then dons a wig and eyebrows, only to die immediately.” That’s a bit more in character too. All that effort wasted. Never read it as it’s being read now. Seems like a lot of

Could have left out that last paragraph.

The real victim here are residents with USC alumni neighbors who wear stupid fucking apparel like Trojan facemasks (a real thing I saw worn by a grown adult last week) and put stupid USC flags all over everything. It’s so fucking tacky.

I worked at USC for a hot minute before leaving because that place is RACIST AF. But it was an open secret that this kind of shit took place. They know. Pretending they don’t shifts the blame from systematic shittiness to two randos who were playing the game they were told they had to play. 

“Adverbs are the lazy tool of the weak mind.”

Plus it’s damn near impossible to stream unless you subscribe to cable TV, which I don’t. So hey ABC, stop making me fucking pay to watch your expensive ads and let me watch the Oscars on, thanks.

And taint. Don’t forget that show of Will Smith’s taint. 

Yeah, I’ve never had a bad experience buying or selling on Swappa, unlike Amazon (where my final 3 phone sales were all chargebacked before I said “screw this place”).

Because it’s how the right machine works. They deliberately use the same terms on a coordinated basis, giving their braindead acolytes the exact language to parrot.

Sounds like you need a break from computers.

You mean the ones that led to the downSpin, I mean Deadfall, of a once great site?

Finally saw Under the Silver Lake two nights ago, and that songwriter scene has been fucking with my head since. It feels too real, like an actual peek into the thinking of Hollywood execs who don’t care about any artistry (because there isn’t any, really, from where they’re seeing the world). And which makes pop

Saw this last night while high. Enjoyed the experience more than The Rise of Skywalker, and the nonsensical plot actually made more sense than some of JJ’s decisions (zing!). I’d guess Cats played for so long because it’s the most state-college-theater-major production of all time. Calculon had more nuance.

but people should know nobody really looks like that day-to-day.

Was it cancelled, or did it end because Maria was done doing it? I wasn’t sure. 

Nothing says “I’m poor” like rushing to the defense of billionaires.

Completely agree. This review was so well-written, really top-shelf tv writing. It made a clear, nuanced case for why this ep didn’t land in ways non-nerds could understand.