United States of Bonerland

People said stuff like that to my wife during her pregnancies, and it felt like a way to connect and empathize over this shared human experience? Tbh this comment and some of the locker room talk feel more like generationally-based shittyness than Weinstein-level harassment.

“Subway: You know exactly what you’re getting, every time.”

Can we stop using Johnny Depp as the lead in for these stories? Because he’s awful, and the other trailers were better.

You underestimate our ability for short-term thinking.

But that was in the same movie where the main character lies to sleep with a woman. So not exactly kosher by 2018 standards.

Wait, he (allegedly) assaulted someone a few weeks ago? Well into the post-#MeToo world? That’s a special kind of hubris, even for Hollywood.

If what you’re saying is true, then it’s evwn more pathetic that you’re posting it here. It confirms you’re really a nobody, someone who desperately tries to spend time around real celebrities just so you can tell yet another person about the time you met a C-list actor “oh and they were so nice in person!” You’re a

Working at universal studios doesn’t count, especially since you clearly don’t shoot footage.

Oh you must come from the reality where shows edit, mix, and promote themselves after shooting is done. My mistake.

Can we digitally replace him in every episodeor film he’s ever been in, ever? Would that be enough?

look, what he did was inappropriate and gross. He probably shouldn’t work going forward. But if you read the article, they’d already filmed the season when this stuff came to light. Putting a lot of people out of work as punishment to one person – who was gross but wasn’t Bill Cosby by any means – seems a little

Does this mean I won’t be seeing the same first trailer with every. damn. movie. for the rest of the summer?

Omg stop no one here is your friend.

Not if you’re white.

Wait, Ghosted didn’t get cancelled halfway through the second episode? Because that’s when I stopped watching it.

And an even better retort from the future year of 2072, from whence I come! (Spoiler alert: everyone dies.)

You’re gonna wanna save this one to use again later.

Grand Designs kindness of covers this ground and definitely portrays Xavier as less benevolent than Patrick Stewart’s version. There’s part where it’s implied Xavier melts the brains of enemy snipers after being drafted in WW2.

Honest question: has there ever been a time when a LBO ended up being good for the purchased company? I’m trying not to compare everything to Gordon Gecko, but with Mitt Romney’s disastrous buyout of Toys R Us coming to a head, I wonder if it ever works out for the bulk of people (instead of just very, very rich

Unless he’s a combustible Android, he’s no “human torch” to me!