United States of Bonerland

I think a lot of people would disagree with you. (Also, why is Marvel in air quotes in the ladybug paragraph? Is there a different Marvel you’re referring to? So many questions.)

Gawker Media Group.

What kind of fucking loser parent is “horrified” about this type of notice? This is more of an “annoyed,” or “put off.”

Okay, you know that middle-aged lady at work who refuses to learn new computer programs, and her strategy to get her way is “be so difficult they just give in”, and also she’s not very good at her job but she’s been there too long to fire? That’s basically every serious Girl Scout leader.

IMO, BSA leaders are more sad and depressing than aggressive.

Because Girls Scouts are filled with Girl Scout leaders, who, in my ample experience, are unbearable bullies.

I think it’s safe to assume everyone who REALLY cares about spoilers saw it alone on Thursday night, like me.

Further proof we need to hire full-time faculty instead of just paying adjuncts minimum wage for 101 courses.

“Ah yes, one workout should do it. Time to throw on my fingerless gloves for extra effect.”

They let us know he really, really likes anime.

I kinda want to hear about this. Because it’s one of the fucking funniest shows ever, and helped bring us Nathan Fielder. That episode where he continually pushes his producer across increasingly-southern national borders, or when the mic goes dead because the trucker kidnaps Nathan? Fucking amazing.

Oooohhhhh look at the Japanophile who magically knows ALL the sushi rules! Jokes on you, all of us secretly mix wasabi and soy sauce when you’re not looking

...Except I think there are several (at least three) MCU Netflix shows slated for 2018. So it’d be like, “Oh this takes place in the past...?”

I hope that’s the main reason, though I get worried about Tmobile becoming so big they don’t need to try hard anymore.

Yeah, technically “Free Spotify/Hulu/YouTube data!” wasn’t net-neutrality. But it was the “good” kind of net neutrality violation, IMO. They kept expanding it to add more services, which I took as a sign of good faith.

I’m a happy T-Mobile customer, and I’ve been thrilled at all of their uncarrier initiatives.

It used to until they got caught.

I thought this exact thing today. “MoviePass has got to be someone’s Springtime for Hitler.”


Yeah what do I know I’m just a professional Copywriter and business communicator whose job is to ensure understanding along all parties. But fuck me for offering contructive feedback, right?