United States of Bonerland

Honestly, I bet it is a bot. It’s like pre-programmed to share the most exhausting, tiresome nonsense. I would be happy if this bot were shut down.

I haven’t read the book, but glad the lameness of Area X is deliberate. That seemed uncharacteristically lazy.

...what?! I don’t follow your logic. What are your rules for how you think god works? And where did those rules come from?

That guy’s such a Homer.

> That’s her gameplan: show up and stay upright.

Ehh, a year. It just kept getting brought up again and again because the Republicans insisted there was something, SOMETHING there. This is a bit different because there IS something there.

It’s all going to be fine. The investigation is going deliciously slow, which is good – it means Mueller & co are taking their time to get it right. We’ll all get a lesson about letting outsiders into our politics, and then we’ll go back to the typical pissing contests.

The powers that be really want to stay in power,

Google image search. Then weep for humanity.

He is. :( Published posthumously.

He has a penis.

I haven’t read the comics, really - can you explain the reference?

That’s the kicker. In 1997, I remember this being much more controversial. It feels like a necessary bridge episode in the portrayal/acceptance of gays in media (isn’t Homer’s journey really our collectives journey?). But the tropes it had to incorporate to be successful for its time make it squirmy to watch now.

Yeah, his weird “Kind of New Yawk kind of Bahston but with this unsettling softness” was off-putting to me. Not sure I could listen to that for two hours.

Twitter’s stock continues to increase thanks to the spotlight Trump shines on it. (Still down from 2014 high, but recovering nonetheless.) I’d say someone profited at Twitter thanks to Russian interference.

But due to Facebook as a platform, the ads had more reach and influence than yet another lame TV advert. It catalyzed and re-entrenched voters who might have gone to Hillary in key states. And due to the way Facebook feeds you crap it thinks you’d like based on previous clicks, it’s feasible someone could have started

This comment was the highlight of my day, and I’m at Disneyland.

Thanks for sharing this – saved me a headache.

Because there certainly weren’t massive bank crises during the 19th century. Nope, the free market and advertising is great. Just gotta get rid of the gubm’t.

I thought they were Corellian blood stripes? I remember reading some throwaway line about it somewhere, like, “Han realized no one even knew the stripes on his pants were Corellian blood stripes and not just decorative.”
Found it:

I liked the idea of Cloverfield being a loose anthology. But it looks like this one was a bit more forced. I’ll reserve judgment until I watch it.