United States of Bonerland

At some point, somebody in the production studio heard this song and recognizedat some point, somebody in the production studio heard this song and recognized it sounded like Radiohead. Maybe not Lana Del Rey because I don’t think she’s self aware. But someone did. And yet they continued to publish the song. There

One of the few upsides to Kinja is watching alt-right losers attempt to troll, then come across as the dorks they are. You can’t hide your social awkwardness and impotence, even if you think you’re edgy.

Even the Deseret News came out against Trump during the election. It’s clear Utahns are simply either illiterate or willfully stupid. (But why not both?)

Watching my wife swipe-for-home is what convinced me to get an X. It feels way more natural than a button.

I was skeptical before I used it, too, but FaceID works way better than TouchID ever did. Now, my phone isn’t defeated by the smallest amount of moisture on the TouchID sensor/my thumb. It’s a much more seamless experience.

Try to stay away from radio frequencies in this day and age? Good fucking luck.

I had a friend who used to work at Wendy’s, and his secret to getting a bigger burger was that they don’t charge you for extra tomatoes. He would always have these huge tomatoey, oniony, pickle strewn burgers that looked awful.

That’s what turned me off the show (I haven’t watched this season, nor did I see the last two eps of last season). I was hoping they’d figured out a plan, but nope.

Dear Pearson,

Well, starring Armisen until he gets a pile of accusations for crummy behavior.

Nevada is 16, and the reason I know that is a schoolmate went to jail for banging his 16 year old student in Idaho. But if he were in Nevada, he wouldn’t have been statutory rape.

I guess my question is our definition of sexual consent has evolved. Simply not saying “no” doesn’t seem to cut it when power relations are

Right, so he’s an accomplice to rape, at best? Doesn’t that also basically make you a rapist? If your force someone else to have sexual relations with your bodyguard without their consent?

Honest question: if this sexual encounter wasn’t really consented to, why isn’t it being called rape? Because this sounds like rape. “Sylvester Stallone allegedly raped a 16 year old in the 1980s” should be the headline.

I mean, the worst thing I’ve done was pretend flirt with people to make them feel awkward. Which is still shitty and gross, but not really in the same league as “attempted Cosby-ing.”

It’s “finally we can talk about the sexual assault problem” month on the AV Club.

Definitely not for a pizzagate investigator. (Or for anyone, really, but especially not pizzagate.)

Damn kinja.

Good for them. When Singer’s accusers start going public in a week or so, these students will be ahead of the curve

Good for them. When Singer’s accusers start going public in a week or so, these students will be ahead of the curve

White House A-louse?