United States of Bonerland

Right, the actual reasons for including these characters is to get "geeks" and "nerds" excited. It's the in-world logic that frustrates me.

Yes, exactly! I want to see something where there's a character from like 2029 that was really popular, like whatever the next Mickey Mouse or Spider Man is.

It actually looks a lot nicer in the movie

Yeah. It's my 2 year old's favorite movie. He lost his mind when they played it at the local theater.

Or pop culture references from a small 1999 movie. I'm sure Iron Giant, Deadpool, and others will still be way hip in post-apocalyptic Ohio 30 years from now.

Like the part where Dustin Hoffman's Hook and Private Ryan are double-teaming War Horse?

Maybe it’s your own publication causing this culture of constant shaming. How many Gawker articles are explicitly calling out people’s preferences as “harmful,” non-journalism like, “If you do this thing, you’re a terrible person/should feel bad/should die/are the worst human alive.”

You don’t get to run articles like

This makes me feel so awful for his family. As much as his music was the butt of so many jokes, it was perhaps the most important bridge between rap and rock at its time. I feel retroactively really shitty for making fun of his group so much.

This honestly sounds like a Trump supporter excusing the latest documented awfulness.

Wow, it's almost like these people are maladjusted, under-developed deviants. And that the internet has allowed these people, who previously would have kept these weird tendencies private, a place to connect and encourage such behavior. Thanks, internet.


That was… oddly compelling?

Huh. Just a few weeks ago, I was wondering what happened to Daytrotter, since it fell off my radar in 2010. Good to see it, too, has grown up cynical and crooked, like everything else.

Haha these are great and Vox sucks

"No, he's an ANTI hero! Those are cool! Right, guys? Right?"
-Every executive, apparently

I've been rewatching the original series with my son, and it's refreshing to watch children's programming with actual narrative. There's even some nuance and subtlety! The only thing that hasn't been delightful are the borderline racist stereotypes whenever they visit someplace like Central America. Or if

Don't forget unwatchable! TGD was just as empty, pandering, and dumb as Minions. (Though much more misguided.)

*billions, because we deserve only the worst as a society.

Agreed. I think that falls under "racism," though.

Or that they're "protecting" those who could claim it as birthright, since many of these people complaining don't actually come from said appropriated culture. (Remember all those white people in Portland complaining about white people making burritos a few weeks ago?)