United States of Bonerland

The second. That I did not have them confused, but that I wrote off the "good one" as boring after the first 45 minutes. Maybe I'll give it another go, since this comment section seems to be so passionate about it.

I saw the John Travolta one, and got through the first part of War Zone (where Jigsaw gets thrown into glass), but it just didn't grab me.

I could not finish War Zone because I thought it was really, really boring, so I'm afraid I'll have to take your word for it.

A surprising number of people want Zack Snyder to finish his work of running the DC film franchise into the ground as quickly as possible.

Common ground is the point of a democratic system. Our government shouldn’t just serve loud extremes, it should find solutions that work well enough for as many people as possible. Since Trump clearly doesn’t take advice from outsiders, being an insider seems prudent.

II didn’t see the analogy was great. I just don’t get why you think insulting someone who seems to be on your side is a good idea. Infighting like this is why Democrats couldn’t get it together to avoid a trump presidency.

Obviously, it’s not. It’s an over-simplification to make a point.

"Racists drink Coors. Not racist? Have a Bud."

It's because they're not as good at Jeopardy!.

Especially since the church has had an alternate program ready to go at a moments' notice for years. I can't imagine the Boy Scouts lasting long without the LDS church's support.

Coming soon: "Ben Affleck is no longer playing Batman."

Glad I’m not the only one baffled by this example. Was really hoping for help dealing with a few people.

Archie got statutory raped?

Unless by "help," you mean, "Be such a creative and box office disaster that DC/WB scrap the whole thing and start over because people don't want what Snyder's offering."

Response to your counter-point: I don't want to get you off the wagon if it's important to you, but if not, you should eat a steak tonight.

…Except that steak looks like it has a terrible crust and is slightly overdone. Why would I want an overdone steak in New York at anywhere other than Trump's awful restaurant, where I can gawk at the idiots?

Too bad this won't give Amy Adams a second chance at Oscars ;( :( :(

I agree there's a lot of comedy using shock in an amateurish way for cheap laughs. That stuff sucks. My point is that just because something is clean does not make it funny.

I have a friend who uses the term "clean comedy" as a positive descriptor. As in, "Brian Regen is so funny. His comedy is really clean and family friendly."