United States of Bonerland

Last time Katsuji was on, I made a joke about him on Instagram. He found me via the hashtag and then got into an argument with me? It was a weird night.

Force ghost Leia?

I run a site for English majors. It's my all-time favorite thing when some snotty know-it-all publically corrects a typo, only to include one of their own in the correction.

Ah, so LuLu is the gatekeeper for week-old videos.

And have babby together

I casually play some games. But I need a mac for work. So I install bootcamp and play games in Windows.

It's the fantasy of a Mormon girl who couldn't get a date and who has some serious issues. The only way to kill a vampire is to burn it, then rip its limbs and head from its body, and then burn those, too? Holy shit, see a therapist, Meyer.

"You know what literature needs? More characters who take their names from Roman and Greek mythology, sometimes interchangeably!" - Some Creative Writing 201 student, right now.

The unreadable books starring a Mary Sue character designed to make ugly, depressed middle-aged women pretend their lives aren't awful? Or the direct-to-Hulu quality, sub-schlocky movies so aptly discussed above?

I remember when I was happy and naive enough to love Jens Lekman. Now I just listen to "The Chain" and "Go Your Own Way" on repeat for my music.

With all these movie-to-tv show premises, how is National Treasure NOT an adaptation of the Nic Cage classic?

Kaitlin Olsen is a treasure, and I hope this somehow fits with fox's overall network strategy well enough to merit a full season or renewal.

You can rewatch it later if that would help

In theory, yes. But in reality, it'd take at least two hours to set up the meeting, allow me to get on her computer to make the change, and then walk her through whatever other problems she's facing.

They do, but Word automatically converts " into the curly kind. So if you get an old person writing an email in Word, then copy/pasting it into Gmail before sending it, you have to un-convert them. Thanks, inefficient old people!

As a fellow content person, this is one of the most annoying problems I know I can never explain to the 57 year old secretary who asks me to send her Word docs as emails. I'm cursed to find & replace a stupid quotation mark until the day I die (or switch jobs).

The Prometheus trailer was one of the best I've ever seen. This trailer was not - kind of like The Force Awakens, but for Alien nostalgia - so that may mean good things for Covenant.

"I still check the toilet every time."
"It's true! He does!"
