United States of Bonerland

I guess I should have read through all 700+ comments before joining the discussion myself. Damn the AV Club making me read more than I did in grad school!

It’s Grid Week on Lifehacker!


Right at the end, when he says he wants to make some (undoubtedly banal) movie about racism, my wife said, "He'd probably produce something like Crash."

Member MANTIS? Member Nightman and his Plymouth Prowler?


Keep making jokes! One will stick eventually.

You mean "God"?

"How can you want to get more food? We just ate an entire pizza."

If you count meth addicts as zombies, then almost.

Now I want a show where Campbell and Lawless review movies.

This is the right answer for Mercedes’ marketing team. I expect both Mercedes and BMW will heavily rely on messaging about how their cars “Protect your most valuable cargo – you”, especially in North America. It’ll be the distinguisher between their autonomous tech and rotten, no-good, socialist, save-the-children

…?! They were absolutely a gag. The film was satirizing the impotence of over-bureaucracy. It's almost too blunt at times.

I loved how it went from "wtf is that goofy nonsense" to genuine horror when it tried to climb the building (and crushed that family instead). Really nice control over tone.

I thought it had lots of wry humor, some of which the review pointed out. It was fun but also captured the horror of a goofy-ass lizard causing trillions in damage and leaving millions homeless.

Was the production value and accuracy of the homage/parody perfect? Yes. But was it funny? Not until Bill Hader showed up and the interviews started.

It's "coogling," like Coogler. Not co-ogling.

Huh. This is more nuanced than the sexual assault accusation narratives I'm used to. I don't know WHAT to make of all this.

*No-Longer-Gawker-Network bloggers want to be taken seriously as journalists*

I liked the potential of Van Damme's show and am glad they have a few episodes to figure it out. And, naturally, excited to see The Tick.