Kaitlin M

I quit drinking 3 years ago. Not a drop since. It’s literally made every aspect of my life better.

Transitioning. I changed from a repressed “male” who was merely existing with no social life, to an outgoing woman who is living, happy, helps others (LGBTQIA groups, women’s groups, et al), and is motivated and involved socially and politically. Before I transitioned, I only had ID photos; now I have too many photos

I end up having to reset my Apple ID pretty much every time I need to use it, partly because I’m scared that if I try guessing it (which I’d probably, but not definitely, be able to do correctly) I’ll be blocked out. I thought it was just me, but every time I’ve witnessed other people having to enter their Apple ID

The biggest issue for me has always been price. Every product they have now has another company doing the same or better for less. They’ve pretty much abandoned giving a crap about competitive desktops for content creation or gaming use. Their laptops keep dropping port options, while having lackluster GPU offerings.

No, wait, I tell a lie. That iTunes update notification that pops up even when I don’t have iTunes running is pretty annoying.

Unfortunately, going to the bar by yourself as a woman is just begging to be harassed by men non-stop.

I’m so glad, I literally spent an hour searching for a photo that would have this effect.

What is the best way to decline or end a social interaction with another person? I have several co-workers who are “chatty” and don’t seem to pick up on my disinterest in talking to them. As far as I know, I do nothing to encourage the interaction and sometimes even very openly show I’m ready to be done with it

Sure, let’s talk Zika.