
I would be very surprised if they were not part of the Samsung Conglomerate or Chaebol as it is called in Korean. The three big "families" Samsung, LG and Hyundai virtually control every part of the Korean business world. Family ties are very strong, and they tend to even adopt prime ministers etc. into their own

@m.m.shaefer: yeah, but at the same time diluting the drink, and while a drop or two in whiskies change the flavour and aroma, an ice cube worth of water is just not right in any way.

@Audi5000: I guess that depends how much you will use the computer outside Wifi Coverage, for some it will be enough, for some it will be used in 20 minutes..

@TheAmazingOnionMan: noooope.. why not zoom a little bit out and see how the the land bit to the left is an island the Ø in Tromsø actually means Island.

@Jackson the Narcisisst: well if you are paid to work with PR you should probably live up to people's expectations. If not you really should not go on such a public channel as Twitter.

@jasonkenny: well very rarely is news so time sensitive that twitter would be the best news source, I tend to want to read more than 140 characters, and have some professionals actually put together a story. If something really exiting happens, live video will anyway be the way to go. Twitter is NOT for the masses

@Hami83: you really think she should feel complimented?? really? Only exhibitionists would feel complimented by having private parts of their bodies publicly exposed.

Great for when you want to take your 3 months old baby with you when you go hicking in january in the mountains. Seriously, with the existing equipment to keep babies warm who are the target audience for this? Bear Grylls and his son Teddybear?

Google Wars Beta, with google adds and cool features. Google reinvents war and makes it fun and easy, and free!

@Mishegoss: well commercials work, if not they wouldn't exist. and obviously in order for people to make a rational choice they should not have to deal with outright lying.

Well given the amount of crap I get from my facebook friends I shiver with the possibility to let farmville and whatever crap people in facebook use mail me. THe thing I love with gmail is that it does such a good job with removing all the spam. I don't have high hopes of facebook.

@pfroo40: well is it expensive or not? It will be for a lot of people, so that is a valid point, when it comes to software support, they are not just reporting bugs, but struggling with an OS not intended for the size. They really should have gone with a charging cable available more widely.

@Se7en_speed: GSM. Being Japan/Europe centric they will always release phones first with GSM.

@leo.waterloo: well yes, the demand will go down when people can not afford, the sadness however will NEVER go away.

@baldbeaver: ticking time-bombs? What I would like to know is how many siblings/parents/friends/kids of the "so called civilians" that now have become ticking time-bombs. Violence breeds violence, the Iraq-war is one major failure, started on the wrong premises and not reaching the goal of security for either the

@Destinysface: In what ways would 5 options be better, when he has written what he wants?

@Maave: Or they just won't care or know that they are running 1.6 :) I know several people with xperia x10 mini/ mini pro, and they have more significant problems with using their phones than the fact that they are running 1.6 :)

@tylerdn: come on it's LEGO! enabling you to make everything you can imagine if you have the skills! What is there not to like?

@adhir: I use it all the time, so not really useless :)