
The point is that they shouldn't mention 4G at all when they in fact do not have 4G at all, only regulare 3G. I couldn't care less about the fact that it contains a chip that in theory would allow 4G speeds, when in fact it will deliver exactly the same download speeds as the cheaper older model. It should plainly be

Its available in Norway :) So my guess is that Jamie is somewhere in Europe? Is this some kind of find Wally game?

UGH! miles, feet, tonnes (metric or whatever weight imperial tons are?) and pounds? Why not also ad stones, yards and inches? and maybe ounces? This really is a pain in the ass to read!

Or they might have sued anyway since the system is basically flawed.

What you are so plainly wrong! Of course hundred of thousands of kids do not have a relationship with their parents that would allow them to tell them that they had unprotected sex. That is quite understandable (I wish it wasn't so, but it has been like that forever), and even if you do believe them to not be that

Well the fact is that they won't ask their parents, but they will get pregnant and they will either have to take an abortion or in some cases ruin both their own life and an innocent child's life.

One of the great statesmen of Rome (not greece), and a great orator a troll? Is anyone criticizing someone a troll then? Also I think you really overstate his influence on other senators, sure in his golden days of politics he became consul, but he was always seen as a someone with "new money" and not from the ancient

well coups in thailand have been pretty common, but they generally always do it after getting permission from the royal family, no kidding! The present king is insanely popular, and even if his constitutional powers are small politicians respect him so much that he really can (and has in tea past) make or break

Now playing

indeed some of what is mentioned here as the big sale points (lighting, more space) are already introduced in the 737 as well as the boing sky interior

My mum added me just a few days ago, I have no idea who told her about google+, but it sure as hell wasn't me!

It also might be said that while Sony (170k employees) is bleeding money, having a negative operating profit of 2 billion, Ericsson (90k employees) are actually making money and that their share price was rising when the rumour of getting out of SE first appeared a few weeks ago.

because Sony in now way what so ever has bought the network giant Ericsson, they have however bought Ericssons 50% share in the SonyEricsson joint venture set up 10 years ago.

wow... You really are close minded! Stimulus packages was basically what saved the US in the great depression 30's, if conducted properly it would definitely help the US greatly now as well.

It is quite interesting how only a few years ago techies started to compare OS. while previously producers where the one thing that mattered. Even then the same OS could be seen in different producers, but Nokia, SE, Samsung, Motorola where the only thing that mattered. How many phones each brand sold, and how much

Well at the time, Sony had no presence in the cellphone market in Europe, while Ericsson together with Nokia dominated the market, and SE was a huge success the first around 5 years (probably less known in the US, just as motorola is barely known in Europe) , it is just the last 4-5 years that they have slipped. But

thats probably because you are american, my first couple of phones where Ericsson phones, this was at the same time as Nokia 5110 and 6110, around 1998-1999. other than that Ericsson is a large company and one of the world leading telecommunication equipment companies.

It is a significant bump in speed (I noticed a large difference from the 3G to the 3GS and this should be just as big) and also a much better camera, so for some it will be worth it. But I agree that it is strange that people with the iphone 4 would scramble over this phone, but there still are quite a few older

Well market share is only good for anything if they are followed by profit, Even if iOS will never ever again be close to android as an OS, (as is the case with OSX vs Windows) Apple is one of the largest producers of hardware both in computers and now in phones. They are always reporting very good results and Credit

While the laws of physics certainly can be trusted, you are making a common mistake. As more constraints on available resources appears, it seems unlikely that any type of exponential growth will continue. We have lived through an era of growth where resources has been unlimited, the focus on development has already

except that A3 is twice the size of A4, so sketching on an A3 paper is a no-go unfortunately.