
My iphone displays the correct time and woke me up at 7 today as it was supposed to, and I live in Europe.

@kapanak: well... I guess it is a sign of success in the phone business that you are getting sued just as Kodak suing everyone is a sign of failing to actually make money on phones. However time will show if not MS will be sued in 2011.

@Jagster: Time will show, if they ever want to get a decent amount of apps, they need to have a large enough user base and have a system that makes it easy to make apps. My guess is that WP7 will be a success, but not a dominant OS anytime soon.

@superdemon: erh. just say 1.85 dude. one-eighty-five.

@ArTech: Nah, we have all phones unlocked and subsidized, since I have to pay the carrier no matter if I use a different carrier on my phone there is no need to lock the phone, just the contract.

@NINE: well what if you have a couple of old phones lying around that are not iphones? It is a really stupid idea that would fail horribly if they tried to actually do this.

@teh: Hmm, well france is always slightly strange in their regulations, but anyway, my iphone is also sold unlocked but I still have a 12 months contract to buy out of if I want to change carriers, or I can just change and pay two carriers at the same time. Contracts with carriers do not really need the phone to have

Huh? How is this different than at present? It might make changing carriers a little bit faster but you still have to sign up for a contract of some type as determined by the carrier, so it would make little difference for the carriers and not really much of a difference for consumers.

@NorthernRoamer: It has? really? where? Malaria is still a massive killer in tropic regions in asia as well as in Africa, since there is no vaccine it is incredibly hard to contain, you can treat people, and try to limit mosquito populations, but at present actually winning the war against Malaria is about as easy as

@Darth_something_cool_but_evil: India is one of the fastest growing economies only rivaled by China, While it is certainly true that they have a massive poverty problem, India is not a third world country, it has a large middel class (probably bigger than the US in a few years time) and are doing fairly well in

hmm. Well the scale of humans shown in the pictures make me wonder how effective this place could be as a research centre, and with the inclusion of bedrooms and pool it sounds more like a holiday retreat for tired, presumably rich tsunami scientists..

@uncle_jojo: Well truecrypt works on Macs as well and OSX has a built in encryption thing. I haven't looked into the whole tracking a stolen computer thing, so I have nothing to offer there.

@fredcadete: Well the good news is that they get most of their revenue from premium subscribers anyway, but yeah they still haven't figured out how

hahahaha!! :) That was good fun! well it didn't want me to cut emissions but the stupidity and explosions made up for it!

@rjp is protected: well most people are not fanboys! why is that so hard to understand?? Get out of your nerdy bubble. Of course the first graph showing an increase in profit for apple might be misleading, but it is still valid for all other manufacturers.

@martin0641: dude, this article does not compare software at all. Only hardware.

@MazdaMania: ehhhh, what on earth are you talking about, the fact is that most people still buy a phone not a operative system, and while you certainly can do both comparisons, comparing manufacturers make a lot more sense in term of actual success of phone companies. Also it is the only comparison that makes sense I think it was a smart way of showing the numbers.